Vajra - Wikipedia
The vajra is a round, symmetrical metal scepter with two ribbed spherical heads. The ribs may meet in a ball-shaped top, or they may be separate and end in sharp points. The vajra is …
Double vajra - Rigpa Wiki
The double vajra (Skt. vishva-vajra; Tib. རྡོ་རྗེ་རྒྱ་གྲམ་, dorje gyadram, Wyl. rdo rje rgya gram) or crossed vajra is formed from four lotus-mounted vajra-heads that emanate from a central hub …
The Crossed Vajra - Rajive Anand
THE CROSSED VAJRA (Skt. vishvavajra; Tib. rdo rje rgya gram, sna tshogs rdo rje) The vishvavajra, as the crossed or ‘universal’ vajra, which underlays the foundation of Mt. Meru’s …
Vajra, vajra bell, Vajra form, Vajra meaning, Vajra Legend, Origin
It is also called the Vajra Cross or Karmapa Scepter. Its shape resembles three-pronged scepters crossed at the top, with the three prongs symbolizing body, speech, and mind, and the …
The Vajra (Dorje) as a Symbol in Buddhism - Learn Religions
2018年9月26日 · A double Dorje, or vishvavajra, are two Dorjes connected to form a cross. A double Dorje represents the foundation of the physical world and is also associated with …
Visvavajra - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
The viswa vajra is created by two crossed vajras or four vajra-heads that sit at the cardinal points of a central hub. Vajra is a Sanskrit word that means both thunderbolt and diamond. As a ritual …
Vajra - SpringerLink
2017年1月1日 · The Vajra Cross (also called double Dorje) is an instrument that represents both the “intransience of the physical world” and “the universe as we experience its reality”; it is also …
Vishwa Vajra: Double Vajra and Its Significant Importance
2024年12月27日 · Also known as "Cross Vajra," the Vishva vajra mounts up from two vajras (thunderbolts) at perpendicularity, resulting in a balanced cross structure that is quite unique. …
In mythological descriptions, Indra's thunderbolt or vajra is shaped either like a circular discus with a hole at its center, or in the form of a cross with transverse bladed bars. The Rigveda, the …
Viśvavajra - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Translated as "double-vajra", "crossed vajras", "vajra-cross", etc. It is formed from four vajra-heads that emanate from a central hub towards the four cardinal directions, and symbolizes …