Indonesia - Vale
About PT Vale Indonesia. Over half a century of operations in Indonesia, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk grew to become one of the leading mineral mining companies, with a longterm commitment to positively contributing to Indonesia’s sustainable development. Access …
Canada - Vale
Ontario is home to Vale’s global Base Metal Headquarters, our Technology Development Centre in Mississauga, as well as our Port Colborne and Sudbury Operations. With five mines,
Vale Canada - Wikipedia
Vale Canada Limited (formerly Vale Inco, CVRD Inco and Inco Limited; for corporate branding purposes simply known as "Vale" and pronounced / ˈ v ɑː l eɪ / in English) [1] is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Brazilian mining company Vale. Vale's nickel mining and metals division is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Home - Vale
We are focused on being an increasingly diverse and inclusive company, acting with respect, open dialogue, safety and integrity. We seek and value individual talent and want people to be proud of who they are at Vale.
全球最大镍生产商及铁矿石三巨头之一:巴西淡水河谷公司 Vale S.A.(VALE…
2015年7月6日 · Vale,前身为 Companhia Vale do Rio Doce(Sweet River Valley Company,指 Doce 河),是世界上最大的铁矿石和镍生产商。 淡水河谷还生产锰、铁合金、铜、铝土矿、钾碱、高岭土和钴,目前经营九家水力发电厂,以及用于运输其产品的大型铁路、船舶和港口网络。
Vale Railway - Wikipedia
The Vale Railway (reporting mark VAEX [1]), formerly the INCO Railway (reporting mark INCX [2]), is an industrial railway operating in the City of Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. It is owned and operated by Vale Limited .
Vale Inco – Wikipedia
Vale ist eine kanadische Bergwerksgesellschaft mit Sitz in Toronto und Tochtergesellschaft des brasilianischen Bergbaukonzerns gleichen Namens. Vale wird rechtlich vom Mutterkonzern unabhängig in der Rechtsform einer Limited geführt. Das Unternehmen ist die weltweit zweitgrößte Fördergesellschaft von Nickelerzen und ein wichtiger ...
A decade ago, Vale bought Inco: What's the company's legacy in Sudbury?
On Oct. 6, 2006, Brazilian mining firm Vale purchased homegrown miner Inco in a $19.4-billion bid. Ten years later mining experts reflect on that business decision and its impact on the...
Vale 镍珠电镀 (官方经销商) - Todini
Vale 芯片是用于多用途镍表面处理应用的领先镍阳极材料。 镍芯片独特的形状使这种阳极材料适合使用标准网状大小的钛篮子进行电镀。 碳化物精炼工艺可产生最纯净形态的镍,因此 Vale 芯片将在含有氯化物的普通镍电镀溶液中以 100% 的阳极效率溶解。
Vale Inco Limited - chemeurope.com
Vale Inco Limited (formerly CVRD Inco) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Brazilian mining company Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD). It is CVRD's nickel mining and metals division and is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.