Jean-Claude Van Damme - Wikipedia
Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg (French: [ʒɑ̃ klod kamij fʁɑ̃swa vɑ̃ vaʁɑ̃bɛʁɡ], Flemish: [vɑɱ ˈvaːrə(m)bɛr(ə)x]; born 18 October 1960), known professionally as Jean-Claude Van Damme (French: [vɑ̃ dam], Flemish: [vɑn ˈdɑmə]), is a Belgian martial artist and actor.
Virgil van Dijk - Wikipedia
Virgil van Dijk (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈvɪrdʑɪl vɑn ˈdɛik]; [2] born 8 July 1991) is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for and captains both Premier League club Liverpool and the Netherlands national team. Widely regarded as one of the best defenders of his generation, he is known for his strength, leadership ...
Jean-Claude Van Damme - IMDb
Van Damme trained for 4 years and earned a spot on the Belgium Karate Team. He won the European professional karate association's middleweight championship as a teenager, and also beat the 2nd best karate fighter in the world. His goal was to be number one but got sidetracked when he left his hometown of Brussels.
尚-克勞德·范·達美 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
尚-克勞德·卡米耶·法蘭索瓦·范·瓦伦贝格 (法語: Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg, 法语发音: [ʒɑ̃ klod kamij fʁɑ̃swa vɑ̃ vaʁɑ̃bɛʁɡ]; 荷兰语发音: [vɑn ˈvarə (n)ˈbɛrx];1960年10月18日 —)或簡稱 尚-克勞德·范·達美 (法語: Jean-Claude Van Damme, 法语发音: [vɑ̃ dam]; 荷兰语发音: [vɑn ˈdɑmə])和 JCVD, 比利時 男演員、武術家、編劇、製片人和導演。 范·達美出生于 比利时 的 布鲁塞尔 郊区 圣阿哈塔-贝尔赫姆,故外号“布鲁塞尔 …
尚格·云顿 - 百度百科
尚格·云顿(Jean-Claude Van Damme),1960年10月18日出生于比利时布鲁塞尔,比利时男演员、武术家、编剧、导演、制片人、武术指导。 15岁时,开始了他的武术生涯。
Jean-Claude Van Damme - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg (French: [ʒɑ̃ klod kamij fʁɑ̃swa vɑ̃ vaʁɑ̃bɛʁɡ]; Dutch: [vɑn ˈvarə (n)ˈbɛrx]; born 18 October 1960), known professionally as Jean-Claude Van Damme (French: [vɑ̃ dam]; Dutch: [vɑn ˈdɑmə]), is a Belgian martial artist, actor, and filmmaker.
Jean-Claude Van Damme - Movies, Age & Facts - Biography
2014年4月2日 · Jean-Claude Van Damme is a champion martial artist and bodybuilder as a teenager, he used his physical abilities to become the star of such American action flicks as Bloodsport (1988) and...
Jean-Claude Van Damme | Black Eagle (Action) Full Length Movie
One of the US Air Force’s most modern tactical aircrafts, a F-100 with a new laser guidance system, crashes in the sea near Malta. With Soviet forces in the ...
Жан-Клод ван Дам — Википедија
Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg; 18. октобар 1960), познатији као Жан-Клод ван Дам (фр. Jean-Claude Van Damme) белгијски је глумац, најпознатији по својим акционим филмовима у којима су доминантне разне борилачке вештине. Ван Дам је рођен 1960. у Бриселу у општини Берцхем-Саинте-Агатхе син је цвећара.
Jean-Claude Van Damme – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg ou mais conhecido como Jean-Claude Van Damme (Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, 18 de outubro de 1960), é um ator belga especialista em Karatê Shotokan. Começou a treinar karatê intensivamente aos onze anos de idade e, aos 16 anos, ingressou em aulas de balé para melhorar sua destreza, praticando a dança ...