Port of Varna - Wikipedia
Port of Varna (Bulgarian: Пристанище Варна, Pristanishte Varna) is the largest seaport complex in Bulgaria. Located on the Black Sea's west coast on Varna Bay, along Lake Varna and Lake Beloslav, it also comprises the outlying port of Balchik.
Port Varna - Home
"PORT OF VARNA" EAD. is operator of port facilities for public transport: Varna East Port Terminal (including Passenger Terminal) and Varna West Port Terminal.
瓦尔纳_Port of VARNA_瓦尔纳港口介绍 - 搜航网
varna/瓦尔纳港口性质:海湾港经纬度:43°12′n,027°57′e 瓦尔纳位于保加利亚(全称:保加利亚共和国 the republic of bulgaria)东北沿海的瓦尔纳(varna)湾的西北岸,濒临黑海(black sea)的西南侧,是保加利亚的最大港口。
瓦尔纳港(Port of Varna,BG,港口代码:BGVAR)是在保加利亚最大的海港。位于黑海的西海岸瓦尔纳湾,沿瓦尔纳湖和湖贝洛斯拉夫,还包括外围港口巴尔奇克。
Varna – EISA
Port of Varna is the largest seaport complex in Bulgaria. Located on the Black Sea’s west coast on Varna Bay, along Lake Varna and Lake Beloslav, it also comprises the outlying port of Balchik. The Port of Varna consists of two main ports: Varna East and Varna West as well as some smaller ports: Balchik, Lesport, Ferry complex, Varna Power Plant.
Port Information - maritime.varna.net
Approaching the port of Varna can take place from point n=1 and point n=2 according to the declared water ways and the traffic separation scheme. Leaving the port and setting off for the open sea will take place in the way back.
瓦尔纳港口_保加利亚瓦尔纳 (varna)港口介绍_瓦尔纳 (BGVAR)港口 …
瓦尔纳(varna)地理位置 保加利亚港口总共有9个 ,以下列表可查看保加利亚主要港口有哪些,包括保加利亚港口名称、代码、线路等港口基本信息,点击港口名称可以 查看港口类型、航线、地图位置等更详细的信息。
Port of VARNA - 瓦尔纳港口资料 - SOL.COM.CN
Since the late 1950s, the Port of Varna is a favorite tourist destination, academic center, seaport, and headquarters to Bulgaria's Navy and merchant Marine. The state-owned Port Varna EAD manages the port, handling over 8 million tons of cargo each year. The Port of Varna has modern facilities that operate year-round.
VARNA Port - Ports Directory
The Port of Varna is a key maritime port situated on the Black Sea coast in Varna, Bulgaria. It serves as a significant hub for maritime transport, facilitating the import and export of...
保加利亚瓦尔纳港口(Port of Varna):集装箱码头和运营概述
2023年7月7日 · 瓦尔纳港是保加利亚最重要的海港之一,位于黑海西岸。 该港口有多个 码头,适应各种类型的货物需求,包括 集装箱 、散装货物和液体货物。 1. ** 码头 和泊位**:瓦尔纳港有两个主要的 集装箱 码头,瓦尔纳东和瓦尔纳西。 瓦尔纳东有5个泊位,瓦尔纳西有6个泊位。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/2915.html. 2. **运营公司**:瓦尔纳港由瓦尔纳港口集团(Port of Varna EAD)运营。 这是一个保加利亚国有的企业,负责港口的所有运 …