Vasco Instant Translator Devices
With Vasco Translator, you can experience local culture first-hand, accurately & stress-free. Our instant translator fits in your pocket and has a long battery life, making it the easiest, most reliable live translator to bring on your travels.
Vasco V4 universal translator - Vasco Electronics
Vasco is the only translator on the market that provides free and unlimited connectivity for life. The Vasco AI translator harnesses the power of 10 translation engines in one, easy-to-use device. Break through language barriers and immerse yourself in …
Portable Language Translator - Vasco Electronics
Vasco Translators are designed to bring people together by breaking down language barriers. With features like voice, photo, and text translation, our handheld language translators will help you communicate with accuracy and ease.
Vasco Electronics
Vasco’s innovative technology allows users to communicate with one another through its translators, connecting 90% of the world’s population through the power of language. The smartphone-like device boasts a very straightforward interface, making it easy to let strangers figure out if needed.
Vasco Electronics 发布 Vasco Translator Q1,支持 110 多种语言 …
2025年1月10日 · 在 CES 2025 大展期间,波兰翻译设备制造商 Vasco Electronics 推出了一款全新的翻译机 Vasco Translator Q1。该设备提供超过 110 种语言的翻译功能,并能够翻译照片和文本内容。 Vasco Translator Q1 的独特之处在于它能够在翻译过程中保留用户的原本声音。
Vasco Electronics - LinkedIn
We design, manufacture and sell mobile translation devices. We want to get the language-related challenges out of your way, so you can easily focus on vacation, work, making friends, and more. Our...
Vasco Electronics
Grâce à leur système IA de traduction instantanée, Vasco Electronics recrée le mythe de la tour de Babel pour mettre fin aux barrières des langues et incompréhensions linguistiques. Il est un outil auto-apprenant grâce à l’intégration d’une IA, élaboré en collaboration avec une équipe de linguistes expérimentés.
Vasco Electronics
Cu un translator automat de la Vasco în buzunar, te vei simți ca un localnic oriunde în lume. Înțelege 112 limbi străine în aproape 200 de țări.
Amazon.com: Vasco Electronics
Sold by Vasco Electronics LLC and Fulfilled by Amazon. The Vasco language translator device gives you instant comprehension of 108 languages! Travel confidently abroad and speak with friends and family from around the world with ease. No Wi-Fi? No problem! The Vasco translation device comes with free lifetime connectivity for translations.
Vasco Electronics
Překládací sluchátko pro přirozené konverzace ve více než 50 jazycích. Odolné zařízení s velkým a čitelným displejem. Šikovný překladač, vždy připravený, když se potřebujete s někým domluvit v cizím jazyce. Nejste si jisti, který překladač si vybrat? Abychom vám usnadnili výběr, připravili jsme pro vás srovnání překladačů.