VBjin « Planet Virtual Boy
2010年5月21日 · VBjin is a Virtual Boy Emulator for Windows platforms. It comes from the merging of the PCEjin emulator with the Mednafen 0.9 Virtual Boy core. VBjin supports …
VBjin-OVR - A Virtual Boy Emulator for the Oculus Rift - GitHub
VBjin-OVR is a Virtual Boy Emulator for Windows with support for the Oculus Rift VR display device. It's licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2, as is its predecessor, vbjin. 3.0 (Oculus PC SDK 1.3.0, compatible with the CV1) Make sure you have 'Unknown Sources' enabled in your Oculus Rift settings.
VBjin-OVR « Planet Virtual Boy
VBjin-OVR is a Virtual Boy Emulator for Windows with support for the Oculus Rift VR display device. It’s licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2, as is its predecessor, vbjin. As such, it uses Mednafen’s Virtual Boy emulation core. 3.0 (Oculus PC SDK 1.3.0, compatible with the CV1)
vbjn - YouTube
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vbjin - The Emulator Zone
VBjin is a Virtual Boy Emulator for Windows platforms. 415 Kb.
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VBjin - Nintendo - Virtual Boy Emulators - Zophar's Domain
VBjin, an emulator for Nintendo - Virtual Boy running on the Windows OS. Download all VBjin files for free!
VBjin Emulator Download - Install VBjin Emulator - Romspedia
2018年6月8日 · Available as an open source program, VBjin is a Virtual Boy emulator. It has been created for Microsoft Windows platforms only. There is a similar fork designed for Oculus Rift though – it shares the exact same features too. The emulator came out by merging the mednafen.9 core from Virtual Boy and the PCEjin emulator.
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2023年11月8日 · 声音的设计很高明,配乐使用极其克制,对白录得清晰干净,所有的环境音和群杂都被有意规避和压低,全片声音的处理都保持了较统一的简单纯净,而影片隽永朴实和意味深长的气质也油然而生。
VBjin-OVR v2.1 released « Planet Virtual Boy
2016年2月23日 · VBjin-OVR, the Virtual Boy Emulator for Windows with support for the Oculus Rift VR display device, has (unofficially) been updated to version 2.1. Download. Port this to android! Hello! … works on Gear VR (Samsung add-on) (by the same company, Oculus) (https://www.oculus.com/en-us/gear-vr/) ? I’m glad this is working.