VBAK-BSTDK and VBKD-BSTDK field has junk date ' . . ' how is it ...
2016年1月13日 · I have an issue while creating a Sales order BSTDK field in VBAK and VBKD is filled with ' . . ' and sales order is created successfully. Is there any possibility of having this type of value when BSTDK is not filled with date it can fill this value and if it it is filled with junk date then how sales order is created successfully is my ...
how to add search help to vbkd-inco2? - SAP Community
2011年2月21日 · I have a requirement to have drop down or f4 help with certain values to field VBKD-INCO2 while VA01/VA02. One way is add search help VBKD-INCO2 but it requires to change the standard table which require access key.. Please lemme know in details whether we can achieve this through some user exit/field exit ...or some other way? Thanks in advance.
How to copy VBKD-FKDAT to FPLT-AFDAT in va41 - SAP Community
Hi experts, I would like to copy the billing date (It can be any date coz I will update this using a given in the billing document tab in BILLING DATE field in BILLING PLAN tab in t.code va41.
Stop VBKD-BSTKD expand to other sales documents and billing
The problem we have, when user modify VBKD-BSTKD in other application that replicate into sap, the number is being modified when create a new proform billing. This is the scenario: user create a number diffrent each proform billing that stores on VBKD-BSTKD>this number goes to field VBKD-BSTKD on sales order>the number go down to proform>and ...
How to add an additional Table for substitution in TCode OBBH
I need to substitute BSTKD field of VBKD Table . While doing sustitution we are getting the below mentioned tables for selection . BSEG. BKPF and. SYST. But we are not getting the VBKD Table there Please tell us how to add BSTKD field of VBKD Table for substitution. Thanks in advance . Regards. Praveen P C
Pricing Date in sales return order from Billing | SAP Community
2022年12月22日 · Hi, Experts. I have a simple scenario. I want your help. My scenario is creating a return sales order from billing doc but I want to get the pricing date from sales order that related to the billing d
Purchase order number from Sales order | SAP Community
hi gurus, i wan to pull PO number from SO number.i saw the customer PO in VA03 for that SO. what is the customer PO(in vbkd-bstnk)?.what is the PO in EKKO-ebeln?what is the diffrent between these two?
Sort orders by delivery priority (VBAP-LPRIO) in VL10
We have a requirement to sort sales orders by delivery priority when creating deliveries, using program rvv50r10c.
Sale order Incompletion Log | SAP Community
2023年2月9日 · Hi, I have created a SO and when trying to save it I got this in my incompletion log. Kindly help how to resolve.
Capturing Delta for Appending field in the extract structure
SELECT SINGLE DELCO FROM VBKD INTO L_DELCO WHERE VBELN = <FS_MC11VA0HDR>-VBELN " AND POSNR = '000000' . IF SY-SUBRC = 0. <FS_MC11VA0HDR>-ZZDELCO = L_DELCO . ENDIF. I have to Capture the delta whenever someone changes this field DELCO. CDPOS/CDHDR doesnt recognizes this changes. Is their any way I can caputre the changes . Thanks for your help.