细菌的VBNC状态 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年10月31日 · 细菌的vbnc状态以及微生物的多样性是一个非常值得重视和研究的问题,随着新理论的拓展和大量新技术的应用,如荧光激活细胞分类技术、 微阵列芯片 、宏基因组、寡营养培养技术等,人们对微生物的认知也将会更进一步。这对分子微生物生态学等也将带来 ...
Viable but nonculturable - Wikipedia
Viable but nonculturable (VBNC) bacteria refers as to bacteria that are in a state of very low metabolic activity and do not divide, but are alive and have the ability to become culturable once resuscitated.
摘要: 有活力但不可培养 (viable but non-culturable,VBNC)状态是细菌遭遇逆境时进入的一种特殊状态,该状态下的菌体在条件适宜时可复苏并恢复其致病性,被认为是细菌躲避不良环境的一种生存策略。 VBNC状态菌体对人类医学和工农业生产具有巨大的潜在威胁,开展关于VBNC状态的检测及诱导、复苏及其机制研究可为减少或避免该状态细菌的危害提供理论基础。 本文简要综述了细菌VBNC状态在诱导、复苏及致病性等方面的研究进展,并结合本实验室及国内外相关团队近 …
Viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state, an underestimated and ...
2023年10月1日 · Viable but nonculturable (VBNC) cells are characterized by their loss of culturability, ability to maintain a nonculturable state, and potential to resuscitate. The formation of VBNC cells can occur under a wider range of stress conditions, many of which are moderate and long-term in nature.
Significance of Viable But Non-culturable (VBNC) State in
2024年10月21日 · In this present review, we mainly focus the VBNC state of Vibrios and other human bacterial pathogens. Exposure to several factors like nutrient depletion, temperature fluctuation, changes in salinity and oxidative stress, antibiotic and other chemical stress can induce the cells to VBNC state.
微生物VBNC状态形成及复苏机制 - actamicro.ijournals.cn
2018年8月1日 · 复苏促进因子(resuscitation-promoting factors,Rpfs)是培养获取VBNC菌的最重要突破。 结合课题组近十余年从环境功能视角利用Rpf复苏培养VBNC菌的研究,本文在阐述微生物VBNC状态的形成及复苏进展的基础上,从VBNC菌形成及复苏过程出发,探究"探索因子"与群体感应的内在关系。 并总结了课题组利用Rpf所复苏培养的具有潜在环境功能的VBNC菌种。 本论文将为揭示微生物VBNC状态的形成及复苏机制提供新的思路,并为认识和重新评价Rpf法复 …
Bacterial dormancy: A subpopulation of viable but non-culturable …
2021年1月13日 · The yellow boxes indicate the ortholog genes in V. parahaemolyticus RIMD2210633 that are not present as proteins in the VBNC subpopulations while the green boxes are significantly downregulated VBNC proteins. The proteins in the orange box indicates genes that are upregulated in VBNC subpopulations.
Wake Up! Resuscitation of Viable but Nonculturable Bacteria: …
The viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state is a survival strategy for bacteria when encountered with unfavorable conditions. Under favorable environments such as nutrient supplementation, external stress elimination, or supplementation with ...
Bridging the gap between viable but non-culturable and antibiotic ...
2014年8月11日 · Persisters and viable but non-culturable (VBNC) cells are both able to tolerate high-dose antibiotics. Persisters and VBNC cells are induced by common environmental cues. Persisters and VBNC cells share molecular mechanisms that control dormancy. Persisters and VBNC cells are likely closely related and develop through shared mechanisms.
弧菌VBNC状态的研究进展 - spgykj.com
摘要: 细菌的活的非可培养 (VBNC,VNC)状态是在不良环境下细菌具有生物活性和毒性,用常规培养法无法检出,却在一定条件下可以复苏并保存致病性的一种特殊生理状态。 本文综述了三种常见致病性弧菌的活的非可培养状态下的生物学特性、形成机制及其复苏的研究。 运用现代生物技术手段,深入地研究细菌的VBNC状态,对食品卫生与安全具有重要的意义。
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