Value Chart Deluxe Edition - indicator for MetaTrader 4 - MQL5
2013年12月20日 · Programming by William Kreider (madhatt30) but the original Value Chart was developed by David Stendhal. The Value Chart was developed to show the valuation of the market. The Value Chart could be described as a DeTrended Oscillator in which the higher or lower the value on the Value Chart the more likely it is to reverse direction.
Value_Chart_Deluxe_Edition_v1_0_2.mq4 - Forex Station
2022年9月23日 · Programming by William Kreider (madhatt30) but the original Value Chart was developed by David Stendhal. The Value Chart was developed to show the valuation of the market. The Value Chart could be described as a DeTrended Oscillator in which the higher or lower the value on the Value Chart the more likely it is to reverse direction.
MQL4-EXPERT-ADVISORS/CHT_Value_chart_v2.5.3.mq4 at main
/*============================================================================== * * The CHT_Value_Chart program is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.
MT4-Indicators/Nice Value Chart 1.0.mq4 at master - GitHub
#property description "A Nice Value Chart that lets you control things you want and ignore things you don't want from a VC indicator.
Volatility Quality EA - expert for MetaTrader 4 - MQL5
2008年5月27日 · This expert is based on the Volatility Quality Index (created by raff1410) that permits to find the main trends. The buy/sell signals are indicated by arrows and the up/down trends by green/red lines. The VQ.mq4 file has to be put in the "indicators" directory, and the VQ_EA.mq4 in the "experts" directory.
Volatility.mq4 - indicator for MetaTrader 4 - MQL5
2008年5月18日 · Volatility is calculated in points for High and Low prices (not for Open or Close ones). The current value of the volatility level is highlighted in the upper left corner of the indicator window. You can find the historical value of the level by putting your cursor over the volatility chart. The indicator implies changing: 1) averaging period.
vc指标 - MT4、MT5外汇ea、外汇指标_外汇交易系统下载 - 外汇ea …
2019年9月3日 · vc指标. yxxq | 2991 人阅读 | 11 人评论 | 2019-09-03 . 绿色做多不做空,红色做空不做多: VC.ex4 售价: 1 枚金币 (一共需要3个金币) VC.mq4 售价: 1 枚金币 (一共需要3个金币) ""
MQ4 文件(它是什么以及如何打开)
MQ4 文件是 MQL4 源代码文件。 使用 MetaTrader 4 或文本编辑器打开一个。 当放入 Indicators 文件夹中时,它会自动转换为 EX4。 本文介绍什么是 MQ4 文件以及如何打开它。 它还描述了如何将 MQ4 文件转换为不同的格式,例如 EX4 或 C#。 什么是MQ4文件? 具有 MQ4 文件扩展名的文件是 MQL4 源代码文件。 它包含与 MetaQuotes Language 4 编程语言相关的变量和函数以及注释。 您可以在 MQL4.com 上阅读有关此格式和 MQ4 文件的更多信息。 注意: 虽然它们看起来 …
vc_repo/FxEA_VC.mq4 at master · vcchen/vc_repo - GitHub
VC_Repo. Contribute to vcchen/vc_repo development by creating an account on GitHub.
Need mt4 indicator that puts arrows on the chart - Forex Factory
2018年6月7日 · Need to build an indicator to ease my trade entry. - if the last 3 bars highest high is less than the last 10 bars highest high them it should print on the screen an up arrow ... and if the last 3 bars lowest low is greater than the last 10 bars lowest low them it should print on the screen an down arrow. Can anyone help me with this?
MQL Tools - Visual Studio Marketplace
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter. 1. Checking the syntax of mqh/mq4/mq5 files (without compilation). 2. Compilation of mq4/mq5 files. 3. Compilation of mq4/mq5 files using script.
MT4的波动率指标 - MQL4和MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 算法交易论坛
2014年11月21日 · 除了 布林带 之外,还有哪些波动率指标是为MT4编码的,我可以使用? 如果可以的话,请发布链接。 我正在寻找一种方法,以更好地根据市场波动性来设置我的止损点 - 第8页.
你问我答:MQL4编程【持续更新】 - 新浪博客
2012年12月31日 · 编译后的dll程序只有vs、vc的十分之一大小,mt4终端程序不易崩溃。这是因为mt4软件只兼容标准c或者c++编译的dll。
MetaEditor - 自动交易和技术指标编辑器 - MetaTrader 4
MQL4 程序在内置MetaEditor开发。 它是一个便捷且通用的工具,用于开发EA交易,自定义指标,脚本和平台中使用的任何复杂的程序库。 MetaTrader 4中现有的应用程序自动出现,并可以立即启动。 MetaEditor 识别多种语言模式。 它提供如何使用功能的提示并强调程序源代码的各种元素。 因此,编辑器加强了交易程序源代码的导航,也加速了开发进程。 内置调试器和代码分析器使开发工作更加容易。 调试器发现和消除错误,而分析器检测代码最慢的部分并优化程序操作 …
I want to test value charts with arrows, but I am concerned ... - MQL5
2017年1月8日 · I wanted to visually test some of the value chart (VC) mq4 files that appear in this thread but am facing an issue…. For shorter-term trading, ideally I would like to try using shorter term VCs. The picture below demonstrates my issue.
VCustom3 help for adding some code - Forex Factory
2016年1月29日 · someone can add SMA on _VCustom3.mq4? Share ideas, debate tactics, and swap war stories with forex traders from around the world.
cyberflohr/mt4j: Java connector for Metatrader4 - GitHub
This simple application shows you how to write your own extension for Metatrader 4 (EA, indicator, library) in Java. The Java code is executed in a virtual machine which runs inside the …
在MQL5代码库免费下载MetaTrader 4的自动交易和指标
MetaTrader 4的MQL4源代码库 - 免费下载EA交易,指标,脚本和程序库。
MQL4 Syntax Highlight - Visual Studio Marketplace
This extension can be used to highlight the MQL 4 & 5 syntax in visual studio code. It is based on the MQL4 tmLanguage file available from currencysecrets github page. Please check the project description page from my my website for more details, or the project github page.
vcchen/vc_repo: VC_Repo - GitHub
VC_Repo. Contribute to vcchen/vc_repo development by creating an account on GitHub.
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