Welcome to the UNC Vector Core - UNC School of Medicine
The Vector Core at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC Vector Core) was founded in 1993 as a full-service viral vector production organization. We have extensive …
In Stock AAV Vectors | UNC Vector Core - UNC School of Medicine
The UNC Vector Core offers an extensive inventory of premade AAV vectors available in multiple serotypes. In addition to reporter genes GFP, luciferase and lacZ, we are pleased to stock …
Deisseroth | UNC Vector Core
In-Stock AAV Vectors – Dr. Karl Deisseroth, 100ul Aliquots. We are pleased to stock optogenetic constructs from Dr. Karl Deisseroth at Stanford University. For first time orders of these …
Resources and Links | UNC Vector Core
7027 Thurston Bowles 104 Manning Dr. Chapel Hill, NC 27599 ph: 919-445-0338
AAV Custom Ordering Information | UNC Vector Core
UNC Vector Core Attn: Xinghua Zeng 7027 Thurston Bowles Bldg. 104 Manning Dr. Chapel Hill, NC 27599 *Please include a copy of your online order confirmation and a Sma1 restriction …
Vector Production | Core Facilities - UNC School of Medicine
UNC Vector Core. UNC Vector Core delivers the highest quality AAV vectors (research grade only) to academic, government, foundation, and biotech industry clients.
Welcome to the Gene Therapy Center | Gene Therapy Center
UNC Vector Core. UNC Vector Core provides vector production services for research, preclinical and clinical grade materials. For more information or to place an order go to the UNC Vector …
Boyden | UNC Vector Core
In-Stock AAV Vectors – Dr. Ed Boyden, 100ul Aliquots. We are pleased to stock optogenetic constructs from Dr. Ed Boyden at MIT. The following constructs are ...
Ordering and Billing Information | UNC Vector Core
The Vector Core has online ordering. Please click here to place an order or use this button: Place Your Order. PLEASE NOTE: Faxing/emailing a PO does not place the order, it must be …
Reporter vectors | UNC Vector Core
7027 Thurston Bowles 104 Manning Dr. Chapel Hill, NC 27599 ph: 919-445-0338