VELYS Robotic-Assisted Solution Logos & Images | DePuy Synthes
DePuy Synthes is pleased to provide you with logos and images to help you educate patients on robotics-assisted surgery. These resources have been designed to help your patients better understand the technology and procedure options.
VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution | DePuy Synthes
The VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution is designed to enhance surgical precision by integrating CT-free technology to optimize implant placement. This system equips surgeons with the information needed to preserve the soft tissue envelope, predict joint stability, and work towards returning knee function. 1.
VELYS™ Hip Navigation Logos & Image | DePuy Synthes
VELYS Patient Home; About-About Us; Our History; News & Media; Grants & Giving; Innovation Center; Useful Links-Instructions for Use (IFU) Johnson & Johnson Institute; Reimbursement Resources; Investigator Initiated Studies; Legal-CA Compliance; ASR Recall; Connect-.... Contact DePuy Synthes; Online Ordering;
2021年3月4日 · 年初医疗机器人领域的头号新闻当属强生推出了新一代骨科手术机器人VELYS。2021年1月19日,强生旗下DePuy Synthes公司宣布,其机器人辅助骨科手术平台产品VELYS已获得美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)510(K)许可,批准用于全膝关节置换手术。
VELYS™ Digital Surgery
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骨科机器人大盘点,强生、史赛克、捷迈邦美、美敦力等(上) - 知乎
VELYS™可以帮助外科医生在全膝关节置换术中准确切除骨骼,使植入物相对于软组织对齐和定位,而不需要术前成像。 让外科医生无需使用一次性器械,大幅度降低手术成本。 (图:VELYS™系统) (图片来源:强生官官方网站) 在后疫情时代背景下,骨科机器人领域的研究应用正在加速完善,强生、美敦力等国际医疗巨头正加速占领医疗器械市场,VELYS™获批上市或许可以为强生在骨科手术机器人市场扳回一局。 可以预见的是,骨科手术机器人的赛道竞争 …
2022年12月26日プレスリリース | ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン
2022年12月26日 · 手術用ロボット手術ユニット「velys™ ロボット支援ソリューション」が 2022年度グッドデザイン賞を受賞 ― 手術室内に調和するコンパクトさと術前から術中・術後までの工程削減につながるデザインを評価 ―
DePuy Synthes Launches its First Active Spine Robotics and …
2024年8月2日 · The VELYS™ SPINE system is designed to address the uniquely complex needs of spine surgeons; the system offers a customizable experience with pathology-specific workflows, aided by capabilities such as VELYS™ ADAPTIVE TRACKING TECHNOLOGY and VELYS™ Trajectory Assistance.
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Home / VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution, Your New Best Friend In Total Knee Replacements / VELYS-logo
VELYS™ Hip Navigation | Products | DePuy Synthes
VELYS™ Hip Navigation offers analysis of implant selection and positioning through easy-to-use non-invasive navigation, pre-operative digital templating, and case planning. Activate your account to download the app to access pre-operative digital templating and analysis right on your iPad or computer.
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