Verbo Software | Adapt4you
Verbo is an augmentative and alternative communication software and is also a playful didactic software that allows you to create/use activities for EVERYONE! Why Verbo? The Verbo allows you to create communication tables according to the capabilities of each one. It is possible to create tables with symbols, text, keyboards...
Home [verboapp.co.uk]
Verbo provides universal resources that can be used with all pupils across a setting, as well as targeted resources for those with identified speech, language and communication needs. For pupils with specialist needs, it is important to refer to …
Verbo - AAC for everyone - YouTube
Verbo is an application for Windows and Android to create augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) boards and learning resources quickly and intuitively. Combine symbols, text, sounds...
Verbo | GPII Unified Listing
Verbo is an AAC software that aids people with oral speech difficulties to communicate. It allows users to create communication boards and personalized activities aimed at improving language or cognitive rehabilitation. It can be used with any technology needed, such as pushbuttons or eye-tracking systems.
Eneso Verbo
En este tutorial aprenderás a crear tableros de comunicación aumentativa o alternativa (CAA) basados en texto, pictogramas, fotografías o un enfoque mixto, y accesibles mediante ratón, pantalla táctil, pulsadores, joysticks, ratón de cabeza o sistemas de seguimiento visual.
Software Partners – EyeTech Digital Systems
Develop visual scenes and visual supports, access third party applications and use them all with multiple access methods: eye tracking, switch scanning, head pointing and touch. Verbo can be added as your AAC application of choice to your EyeOn device – ask us about it today.
几年前我找到市面上能找到的5种aac编码器的最新版本,试了下几首音乐,32kbps和36kbps这两档,neroaacenc听上去效果最佳,低码率时,opus、vqf、ogg、wma、mp3 pro都比不上
AAC shared material resources related to verbos - ARASAAC
AAC material resources related to verbos for professionals and families. Download Augmentative and Alternative Communication documents, boards, worksheets...
Teaching AAC users grammar - AssistiveWare
Modeling grammar gives the AAC user every opportunity to learn how to combine words and use grammatical forms for full language. Follow the links below for more strategies to build language and communication:
Verbo: Your AI Language Learning Companion Awaits | Verbo
Verbo is an AI chatbot that speaks any language. If you need to learn a language fast, the only way to do it is to actually practice speaking! If you are moving to another country, going on a long trip, or just want to get better grades in your Spanish class, try speaking with Verbo!