What is the difference between reg and wire in a verilog module?
2015年11月1日 · reg elements can be used as output within an actual module declaration. But,reg elements cannot be connected to the output port of a module instantiation. Thus, a reg can …
Verilog reg assignment? - Stack Overflow
2016年11月28日 · For Verilog, assign statements can only be applied on net types (e.g. wire). This is legal: module test ( output LED0 ); // LED0 is an inferred wire assign LED0 = 1'b1; …
verilog - Using wire or reg with input or output - Stack Overflow
2023年4月7日 · reg and wire specify how the object will be assigned and are therefore only meaningful for outputs. If you plan to assign your output in sequential code,such as within an …
verilog - What is the difference between reg [7:0] a [3:0] and reg …
2018年8月25日 · So far I have studied verilog HDL reg [7:0] a [0:3] means array of 4 a's and each a is of 8 bit wide like 00110011 01000011 00010011 10000011 am i right? then what is the …
verilog - Order of bits in reg declaration - Stack Overflow
If I need to use 4 8-bit numbers, I would declare the following reg: reg [7:0] numbers [3:0] I'm quite confused about the difference between the first and second declaration ([7:0] and [3:0]).
verilog - What is the difference between reg and wire after ...
You have to use a reg type for y simply because it appears on the left side of an assignment statement inside an always block. Many people consider this a disadvantage of Verilog, which …
How to 'assign' a value to an output reg in Verilog?
2010年4月12日 · The reg named icache_ram_rw created by you is now a register and is not same as pin; so to assign an register you need to use a proper format of verilog; verilog allows the …
system verilog - Difference of SystemVerilog data types (reg, logic ...
2023年1月8日 · There is no difference between logic and reg. The difference between bit and the other two is that bit is 2-state, whereas logic/reg are 4-state. Refer to IEEE Std 1800-2017, …
Assign a synthesizable initial value to a reg in Verilog
2012年4月4日 · module top ( input wire clk, output wire [7:0] led ); wire [7:0] data_reg ; assign data_reg = 8'b10101011; assign led = data_reg; endmodule If you actually want a flop where …
What is the logic behind the behaviour of reg in Verilog?
2022年2月1日 · The keyword reg in Verilog is a misnomer and why it was renamed to logic in SystemVerilog. It is just a 4-state data type for a variable that could be interpreted as a …