Веро – Битола - vero.com.mk
Телефон: 047/258-288. “Купувачот е нашиот шеф” – ВЕРО сѐ на едно место.
Bitola – Vero
“Купувачот е нашиот шеф” – ВЕРО сѐ на едно место.
Vero - Ignjat Atanasovski b.b., Bitola 7000, North Macedonia - Cybo
Vero is located in Bitola. Vero is working in Shopping, All food and beverage, Grocery store activities. You can contact the company at 047 258 288. You can find more information about …
Jumbo – Vero shopping center | Bitola Info
Jumbo – Vero shopping center. Address: Shirok Sokak Street bb, Bitola; Working hours: 08:00 – 22:00; Paid Parking in Bitola city center (First 15 minutes are free)
Vero in Bitola, - Zaubee
Vero is a Supermarket located at Shirok Sokak б.б., Bitola, 7000, MK. It is listed under Supermarket category.
Еурофарм-Веро Битола - zk.mk
Биофарм е компанија која од секогаш работи врз основа на истите принципи на кои денес веруваме: квалитетни, билни производи за поздрав и поприроден начин на живот.
A1 Vero Bitola - Vero, Ул MK, Ignjat Atanasovski ББ, Bitola 7000, …
A1 Vero Bitola is located in Bitola. A1 Vero Bitola is working in Mobile phone stores, Telecommunications activities. You can contact the company at 02 310 0077 .
Vero Bitola – Vero
st. Shirok Sokak 44a – Bitola Area: 1350m 2 Number of employees: 41 Working time: Monday to Saturday: 07:30 – 22:00 Sunday non-working day. Phone: 047/235-861. Contact: Irena …
Supermarket Vero 6 (Bitola) - Wikimapia
Supermarket Vero 6 00389-(0)47-258-288, 235-861 http://vero.com.mk Area: 1350м2 Number of employees: 41 Working time 08:00 - 22:00 Tel. 047/235-861 Contact persons: Manager: Kire …
Vero - VISIT Macedonia
2018年12月21日 · Today you can shop, visit and cooperate with 6 supermarkets in Skopje, 2 in Bitola and 1 in Tetovo. The total area of Vero supermarkets is 20.000 square meters, with 800 …