Trademark Policies - VESC Project
Logo Marks: In addition, Mr. Vedder's projects have visual logo marks in use. Trademarks are used to provide assurance to the community of consistency with respect to the quality of products or services with which the mark is associated. This policy attempts to strike the proper balance between two competing interests:
VESC Project
Welcome to the Home of the VESC Open Source Project! If you aim to build flexible, efficient, and reliable power systems for your platform, the resources you will find here can help you achieve your goals faster.
VESC Project Logo Redesign by Hoang Gia Ha Phong on Dribbble
2022年8月18日 · If you aim to build flexible, efficient, and reliable power systems for your platform, VESC project can help you achieve your goals faster. VESC motor controllers are used across various devices, including robots, multi-copters, planes, camera gimbals, e-bikes, electric skateboards, RC equipment, and many industrial applications.
VESC Project
VESC® Tool is the all new and 100% revised replacement for BLDC-Tool. VESC Tool can be used with the latest VESC compatible hardware and most VESC based hardware of the past. It does not only allow you to configure your VESC devices and upload the latest firmware – it allows you to generate real time data and find out how to set up your ...
GitHub - kaminaris/GigaESC
GigaESC - Based upon the VESC®*-Project VESC is a registered TM, owned by Benjamin Vedder. Modular design; Logic board; Separate Power Stage (Mosfet) board; 40s capable; Up to 188V (Mosfets and caps up to 200V) Up to 300A (depending on choice of mosfets) Hall sensor current measurement or low side shunts; Built in IMU - LSM6DS3TR-C
VESC简介与国产替代方案 - CSDN博客
2023年12月20日 · 【标题】:“本杰明VESC源码,关于MASTER部分” 【内容详解】 VESC(Variable Frequency Speed Controller)是Benjamin Vedder开发的一种先进的电动机控制器固件,它主要用于无刷直流(BLDC)电机的控制。源码的...
Logók - Veszprémi Egyetemi Sport Club
A Veszprémi Egyetemi Sport Club (VESC) hivatalos weboldala.
GitHub - vedderb/vesc_tool: The source code for VESC Tool. See vesc …
The "official" binary release of VESC Tool is done via VESC Project only, as that gives users a way to verify that releases, that use the registered VESC trademark, originate from the VESC Project. It is not ok to host a binary release on a different channel and …
Veszprémi Egyetemi Sport Club
A Veszprémi Egyetemi Sport Club (VESC) hivatalos weboldala.
vedderb (Benjamin Vedder) - GitHub
The source code for VESC Tool. See vesc-project.com C++ 759 541 bldc-tool bldc-tool Public. A Qt program to control and debug my BLDC-controller C++ 256 225 vesc_bms_fw vesc_bms_fw Public. The VESC BMS Firmware C 239 108 rise_sdvp rise ...