Vexol (Rimexolone): Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions ... - RxList
2022年8月15日 · Vexol 1% (rimexolone ophthalmic suspension) is a corticosteroid used to treat eye inflammation caused by infections, injury, surgery, or other conditions. What Are Side Effects of Vexol? Common side effects of Vexol include:
VEXOL® 1% (rimexolone ophthalmic suspension) is indicated for the treatment of postoperative inflammation following ocular surgery and in the treatment of anterior uveitis.
Rimexolone - Wikipedia
Rimexolone is a glucocorticoid steroid used to treat inflammation in the eye. [1] . It is marketed as a 1% eye drop suspension under the trade name Vexol by Alcon Laboratories, but was discontinued in the US and other countries. [2][3]
Vexol: Indications, Side Effects, Warnings - Drugs.com
2024年3月29日 · Vexol. Generic name: Rimexolone [ ri-MEKS-oh-lone ] Drug class: Ophthalmic steroids. Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. Last updated on Mar 29, 2024. Uses; Before taking; Warnings; Dosage; Side effects; Overdose; Uses of Vexol: It is used to treat eye swelling. What do I need to tell my doctor BEFORE I take Vexol?
商品名:vexol,活性成分:rimexolone,申请号:020474,申请人:harrow eye. 药品注册申请号:020474. 申请类型:nda (新药申请) 申请人:harrow eye. 申请人全名:harrow eye llc.
Vexol®1%眼科悬浮液以天然(透明)低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)瓶提供,带有天然LDPE分配塞和粉红色聚丙烯瓶盖。 填充量在8毫升瓶中为5毫升,在10毫升瓶中为10毫升。
Vexol (Rimexolone) Ophthalmic: Uses, Dosage & Side Effects
Vexol is a prescription-only steroid eye suspension used to suppress swelling (inflammation) of the eye associated with eye surgery or certain eye conditions.
Vexol(rimexolone ophthalmic)副作用,相互作用,用途和药物 …
Rimexolone眼科(用于眼睛)用于治疗由感染,损伤,手术或其他病症引起的眼部炎症。 Rimexolone眼用药也可用于本药物指南中列出的用途以外的用途。 rimexolone ophthalmic(Vexol)可能有哪些副作用? 如果您有任何 过敏反应的迹象, 请获得紧急医疗帮助:荨麻疹; 呼吸困难; 脸部,嘴唇,舌头或喉咙肿胀。 如果您有严重的副作用,请停止使用rimexolone眼科并立即致电您的医生,例如: 眼睛肿胀,发红,瘙痒,严重不适,结痂或引 …
rimexolone suspension - ophthalmic, Vexol - MedicineNet
USES: This medication is used to treat certain eye conditions due to inflammation or injury. It is also used after eye surgery. Rimexolone works by relieving symptoms such as swelling and redness. It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids.
Vexol: Uses, Taking, Side Effects, Warnings - Medicine.com
2020年2月16日 · What is Vexol used for? Vexol is used to treat eye swelling. If you are allergic to Vexol; any part of this medicine; or any other drugs, foods, or substances. Tell your doctor about the allergy and what signs you had. If you have any kind of eye infection. This is not a list of all drugs or health problems that interact with this medicine.