VTI/VOO over Target Date Fund (VFFVX)? : r/Bogleheads - Reddit
2023年3月15日 · That is why I say VFFVX. People that keep making changes tend to lose out. People base the bad performance of bonds, and say that is the future. Yet, people will take you to not make future choices based on history. I think either way you can't lose. Most people that say go all stocks, have never seen their account drop like 2008.
Is the VFFVX Vanguard Target Retirement 2055 Fund any good
A target date fund is a good option if you want a hands-off approach. It keeps you at a 90% stock and 10% bond allocation until age 40, I believe, and then starts transitioning towards a more bond heavy focus as you get closer to and enter retirement.
Is VFFVX and VFIAX good investments for Roth IRA? : …
2022年10月17日 · VFFVX is designed to be the only fund you hold. It is internally diversified for you. If you wanted to keep VFIAX, you may want to look into VEXAX and VTIAX as complimentary funds (to cover US extended market and ex-US respectively).
Invested into VFFVX, was it a mistake? : r/personalfinance - Reddit
2021年2月11日 · No big deal. Just use the Buy and Sell -> Exchange option to trade your VFFVX shares for VLXVX. Vanguard's Target Retirement funds all have basically the same asset allocation anyway while their target dates are more than 25 years away. You aren't going to gain or lose money by exchanging into VLXVX.
VFFVX vs VOO : r/Bogleheads - Reddit
2024年4月29日 · VFFVX has you ready for the times when favor isn't towards US large caps. A properly diversified portfolio (like VFFVX) will always have parts over performing and others under performing, but it guarantees that you aren't 100% into the under performer (which VOO alone could be at some point, such as the case for 2000-2010).
How does VFFVX have a larger percentage decline the past 6
2022年1月25日 · VFFVX distributed more money to its shareholders than VTWAX did. This is both because VFFVX earns interest income from its bond holdings and because VFFVX constantly sells funds which perform well on the day to buy funds which did worse on the day, racking up capital gains for the fund that must be distributed.
VFFVX hasn't grown in 2 years... thoughts on what to change it to?
2024年1月6日 · And VFFVX is up 13% in the last year, you are likely not comparing apples to apples. u/Werewolfdad , can you help me out with that time-weighted link? As for series I/HYSA - they've been guaranteeing a 5-6% return rate (which is not great given what inflation is at) so that seems safer to me..
Vanguard Target Retiremnt 2055 (VFFVX) vs Fidelity indexes
2024年1月2日 · Vanguard's target date fund is a very low expense ratio for what it provides, containing total US market, total international, and 10% bonds (for now).
Something better than VFFVX? : r/personalfinance - Reddit
2022年4月16日 · Equities make up 90% of the 2055 fund. Bonds are only 10%. Even a 10% drop in bond prices will only cause a 1% drop in the value of VFFVX. If OP's investments have lost value since contribution, it's because the returns to date on the equity funds are negative. Which is fine. Investing for retirement is a long-term proposition, after all.
VFFVX - Vanguard Target Retirement 2055 fund down 9% in one
2021年12月30日 · Learn about budgeting, saving, getting out of debt, credit, investing, and retirement planning. Join our community, read the PF Wiki, and get on top of your finances!