VfU — A Black Cover Design, Inc.
We created a new visual identity based on the character of VfU, restrained in style, yet sporty in detail. We have changed the brand name from VFU to VfU, where the reduced visual space of the lowercase f creates an elastic sense of stretch with the capital V and U.
Варненският свободен университет "Черноризец Храбър" е най-големият частен университет в България. Той е утвърден академичен център, който съчетава обучението на български и чуждестранни студенти в приоритетни за страната области и създава международно конвертируем и конкурентен научен и …
Varna Free University - Wikipedia
Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" (University Free of Varna) is a private university in Varna, Bulgaria, created in 1991 by resolution of the 37th National Assembly and granted the status of a higher school in 1995. It offers regular, part-time, and distance learning to its 12,000 students and maintains a campus in the town of Smolyan.
Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" - VFU
Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" is the largest private university in Bulgaria. It is an established academic center that combines the training of Bulgarian and foreign students in priority areas for the country and creates an internationally convertible and competitive scientific and academic product.
Varna Free University Logo PNG Vector - seeklogo
Download free Varna Free University vector logo and icons in PNG, SVG, AI, EPS, CDR formats.
Варненски свободен университет "Черноризец Храбър" | Varna
📌 Вижте всички бакалавърски програми: 🔗 https://ksp.vfu.bg/bakalavar/ 📞 За въпроси: [email protected] | 052 355 106 📍 Очакваме Ви с нетърпение! 🚀🎓 #StudentVFU #VFU #матури #университет #кандидатстуденти # ...
2022年12月17日 · vfu品牌logo设计理念是:“坚持改变,持续蜕变”,那么这个logo有什么寓意呢?今天小编就带大家走进vfu的品牌故事,从logo中了解vfu的品牌精神和含义。
5470亿美元的运动服赛道,能诞生“下一个lululemon”吗?| 品牌出 …
vfu成立于2013年,主打“重新定义女性运动”,以“坚持改变,持续蜕变”的品牌理念,致力于打造中国最打动人心的运动品牌,并持续推动行业创新。 VFU主打用户驱动,根据线上实时反馈持续迭代产品。
VfU — A Black Cover Design, Inc. - Pinterest
VfU — A Black Cover Design, Inc. VfU ART DIRECTOR: Guang Yu / Nod Young DESIGNER: Wang Xiaoshuai / Liao Liao / Xu Mingru YEAR: 2021 CLIENT: VfU VfU is a sportswear brand for urban women.... /seasonmay/
VFU logo设计理念说明_VFU logo图片 - sz4a.cn
VFU logo设计简约大气、识别性强,不仅很好地实现了VFU品牌识别与传播价值,而且还传递了VFU logo设计理念、内涵,因此,深圳vi设计公司认为VFU logo设计非常优秀。