VGF: A prospective biomarker and therapeutic target for …
2022年7月1日 · These studies revealed a novel active neuroendocrine regulatory polypeptide, VGF nerve growth factor inducible (VGF). VGF is an NGF-inducible transcript in PC12 cells, and this non-acronymic name is accepted because the identified clone was selected from plate “V” of a PC12 cDNA library [7].
NGF-dependent and tissue-specific transcription of vgf is …
2002年1月2日 · We addressed this question by studying vgf transcription, which is developmentally regulated, modulated by electrical activity, and selectively induced by NGF, BDNF and NT3 [9], [10], [11]. Vgf encodes a precursor protein that undergoes regulated secretion and cleavage into peptides, regulating the body energy balance [12].
BDNF-VGF Pathway Aggravates Incision Induced Acute ... - PubMed
The expressions of BDNF and VGF were upregulated in isolectin B4-positive (IB4 +) and calcitonin gene-related peptide-positive (CGRP +) neurons, rather than neurofilament 200-positive (NF200 +) neurons. The activation of BDNF-VGF pathway upregulated expression of IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1β and promoted the activation of macrophages.
VGF nerve growth factor inducible is involved in retinal ganglion …
2018年11月6日 · VGF nerve growth factor inducible (VGF) is a polypeptide that is induced by neurotrophic factors and is involved in neurite growth and neuroprotection. The mRNA of the Vgf gene has been detected in the adult rat retina, however the roles played by VGF in the retina are still undetermined.
VGF and its C-terminal peptide TLQP-62 in ventromedial ... - Nature
2018年11月20日 · VGF overexpression in vmPFC prevented behavioral deficits induced by CRS, and VGF knockdown in vmPFC increased susceptibility to subchronic variable stress (SCVS) and reduced ketamine’s...
VGF expression by T lymphocytes in patients with Alzheimer's …
Recently, we investigated VGF expression in T cells of mentally healthy persons aged between 22 and 88 years and detected an age-dependent increase in the number of VGF+CD3+ T cells that correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and body mass index (BMI) .
来自Y-Bách-Bnh Thn的视频.mp4 — Видео от 顾枫 顾 | ВКонтакте
2024年5月30日 · 风情艳主圈养母狗,主人躺着刷手机,母狗跪地上舔脚清理死皮,母狗太幸福了。 (完整版看介绍) Смотрите онлайн 来自Y-Bách-Bnh Thn的视频.mp4 56 мин 58 с. Видео от 30 мая 2024 в хорошем качестве, без регистрации в бесплатном видеокаталоге ВКонтакте! 51983 — просмотрели. 446 — оценили.
GaAs的制备方法及原理 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
垂直梯度凝固法(Vertical Gradient Freeze ,简称VGF) VGF工艺与VB工艺的原理和应用领域基本类似。 其中最大区别在于VGF法取消了晶体下降走车机构和旋转机构,由计算机精确控制热场进行缓慢降温,生长界面由熔体下端逐渐向上
CGSim VGF法 - 苏州思体尔软件科技有限公司
布里奇曼技术被广泛应用于生长高质量的 III-V 半导体,如 GaAs 、 InP 等。 垂直梯度凝固法(VGF)是对传统布里奇曼法的改进,无需移动安置或加热器。 在这种情况下,结晶过程是通过改变电动梯度多区炉中的热量供应来实现的。 炉内传热以及熔体和气体流动的优化是培育优质晶体的关键所在。 下列物理现象会影响 VGF 生长过程中的结晶: 结晶前沿的潜热释放。 Schematic view of the VGF setup for growing 6 inch diameter GaAs crystals. Computed evolution of …
磷化铟多晶料VGF或VB法生长单晶的装料方法 - 道客巴巴
2022年9月8日 · 本发明通过合理分配磷化铟多晶料的装料配比和不同尺寸料块的装料位置,以及红磷、掺杂剂和液封剂的用量及放置位置,有助于磷化铟多晶原料的快速熔化、掺杂剂的均匀分布、液封剂的有效侵润和红磷的蒸气压控制,有效提高磷化铟单晶的电阻率、载流子浓度、电子迁移率的均匀性。 权利要求书1页 说明书4页 附图1页CN 114808130 A2022.07.29CN 114808130 A. 52 p. 10 p. 4 p. 8 p. 14 p. 12 p. 11 p. 162 p. 10 p.