55/65nm 半导体制造工艺 后段(3) - 知乎专栏
上一篇介绍了 金属互联层 双层大马士革工艺 中先开槽(Trench)后开孔(Via)的工艺流程. 本次为大家介绍 先开孔后开槽 的工艺流程. Via→Trench Trench→Via. 主要的工艺步骤分为. 薄膜沉积 →孔的曝光&刻蚀→槽的曝光&刻蚀→铜电镀→ CMP. 第一步 薄膜沉积. 膜层从 ...
VIA-ETCH 后芯片清洗工艺的改进和良率 - 豆丁网
在使用铜互 联的通孔蚀刻(Via Etch)后清洗的工艺中采用了双面刷子清洗设备(图 1)[2]。 通孔蚀刻 (Via Etch)后清洗的主要作用是清洗由于通孔蚀刻、光阻去除后所残留下的颗粒(图 2)
55/65nm 半导体制造工艺 后段(2) - 知乎专栏
AIO=All in one 即 Trench & via 在一步内进行刻蚀. AIO. 1.曝光显影 ,形成Trench的图形. 2.刻蚀打开TiN金属硬掩模,将光阻上的图形转写到硬掩模上. 3.在原位对上层剩余的光阻和底部抗反射图层进行灰化,剥离. 4.再次进行曝光显影,这一次的目的是形成Via的图形. 5.刻蚀出 ...
A review on the mainstream through-silicon via etching methods
2022年1月1日 · This review aims to provide a comprehensive summary for four kinds of mainstream TSV etching methods, i.e., KOH wet etching, laser drilling, deep reactive ion etching and photo-assisted electrochemical etching, including their etching mechanism, process, parameters and hole structure.
A single-step etching method using the SF 6/C 4F 8 chemistry is developed in this study as an alternative through-silicon-via (TSV) etching approach of the traditional Bosch process to realize ultrasmooth and vertical TSV profiles. Experimental results show that there is a profile
A self-aligned via etch process to increase yield and reliability of …
Key attributes of the via and trench etching process in a capacitively coupled etch reactor are described to meet physical performance requirements and eliminate tradeoffs between via chain yield and via-to-metal (M2-V1) bridging. Low-k sidewall damage, post-etch wet clean, and metallization are discussed.
The via etch module consists of a two-step plasma etch process. The first step is an isotropic etch accomplished by a downstream Matrix-403 Systems etcher using NF3. The second step is an anisotropic etch performed by a LAM-4500 oxide etcher with a graphite upper electrode. This anisotropic etch step results in about a 10 to 15% micro-
Mechanism of via etch striation and its impact on contact …
The mechanism of two kinds of via etch striation (type I and type II) has been investigated to improve contact resistance (Rc) uniformity and solve breakdown voltage (VBD) issue in 65 nm Cu low-k interconnects.
优化VIA-ETCH后清洗工艺,提升芯片良率 - CSDN文库
via-etch是一个重要的工艺步骤,涉及到芯片制造中的蚀刻过程,其后的清洗工作需精确且高效。 在芯片清洗过程中,常见的方法包括使用高纯度的去离子水(DIW)进行冲洗,更多下载资源、学习资料请访问CSDN文库频道
VIA-ETCH后芯片清洗工艺的改进和良率的提高.doc 全文免费在线 …
2017年9月22日 · 在使用铜互 联的通孔蚀刻(Via Etch)后清洗的工艺中采用了双面刷子清洗设备(图 1)[2]。通孔蚀刻 (Via Etch)后清洗的主要作用是清洗由于通孔蚀刻、光阻去除后所残留下的颗粒(图 2) [3]。