[v1.0.7] Romance Expanded: Viconia and Phaere complete!
2024年2月10日 · Viconia Romance Expanded is the first in a series of planned mods that carefully expand the original BG2 romances. The mod enables the romance for all races and genders and has a unique romance path for female CHARNAMES. Learn how drow society treats same-sex relationships, navigate new relationship obstacles, and fall in love all over again!
Viconia DeVir - Baldur's Gate Wiki
Originally a drow belonging to House DeVir from the city of Menzoberranzan in the Underdark, she no longer serves the spider queen Lolth, and is now a worshiper of Shar. Viconia DeVir is available to recruit from Chapter One. She can be found in the north-west corner of the Peldvale area, where she is being chased by a Flaming Fist officer.
GitHub - Otherwisely/BG2-Romance-Expanded: The BG2 …
BG2 Romance Expanded is a series of mods that allow players to complete BG2 romances regardless of gender or race. Currently, only some components of the project have been completed. Viconia Romance Expanded • Phaere Expanded • Unlock Other Romances. Compatibility • Credits • Version History.
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn – Romance FAQ - GameFAQs
2001年10月18日 · The only fighting action that ever comes out of this romance is the appearance of a Handmaiden who will appear to kill Viconia, after you have defeated her, you are on your way to victory - the...
Justice for Viconia DeVir! (long, with spoilers for BG2 and BG3)
2023年8月24日 · If you didn't play BG1 or BG2, Viconia is a drow cleric who is cast out from the Underdark and has to survive in a world where everyone wants to kill her on sight. Even with the odds stacked against her in a big way, she's a flat out bitch with a superiority complex who constantly berates the Player for making soft-hearted decisions.
Viconia with Good Reputation? :: Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced …
2020年4月13日 · No. Having Viconia join your party lowers your reputation (just like punching a peasant would), but doesn't prevent you from regaining your reputation later. You will have to keep punching peasants to keep your reputation low enough for Viconia.
Viconia DeVir - Baldur's Gate 2 Wiki
Viconia is a Drow who was forced to leave her home in the Underdark. Once in the surface world, she forsook the spider Goddess, Lolth, and became a follower of Shar instead. She is first encountered in Baldur's Gate, but her full backstory is not revealed until Baldur's Gate II, …
Viconia Friendship - GitHub
This mod adds a series of dialogues for a female PC or a male PC who has turned Viconia down, and attempts to give someone who isn't interested in a romantic relationship something to bite into. But bear in mind that Viconia is not an easy person to talk to, let alone befriend.
[v1.0.7] Viconia Romance Expanded for BG2EE + Phaere Expanded
2024年2月9日 · Viconia Romance Expanded is the first in a series of planned mods that carefully expand the original BG2 romances. The mod enables the romance for all races and genders and has a unique romance path for female CHARNAMES. Learn how drow society treats same-sex relationships, navigate new relationship obstacles, and fall in love all over again!
How to Initiate and Complete a Romance with Viconia in "Baldur’s …
2017年9月22日 · Viconia will start a romance with the main character if he always exhibits strength and eschews all semblance of weakness or pity. Begin a new game and create a human male character of any class and alignment. Play through the opening dungeon of the game and then go to the Government District in the city of Athkatla.