Mechanical Pipe Joining & Fire Protection Solutions | Victaulic
Victaulic is a global leading producer of mechanical pipe joining, flow control & fire protection solutions for the most complex piping applications
Mechanical Joining Products & Pipe System Products - Victaulic
Victaulic mechanical joining & piping system products include grooved pipe couplings, fittings & adaptors, flow control valves, equipment modules (ie: AHU drops) and pipe end preparation tools. Our reliable & efficient pipe joining products will help you …
Fire Protection Products & Systems - Victaulic
Victaulic is a leading fire protection manufacturer of innovative fire protection products & systems including sprinklers, fire extinguishing & fire suppression systems, pipe couplings & fittings, devices & tools used in commercial, infrastructure & industrial applications to …
Victaulic - Wikipedia
Victaulic is a developer and manufacturer of mechanical pipe joining systems, and the originator of the grooved pipe couplings joining system. [1] The firm is a global company with 15 major manufacturing facilities, 28 branches, and over 3,600 employees worldwide.
Victaulic - LinkedIn
Our Vision Victaulic aims to bring innovative productivity, confidence, and sustainability to every build around the globe. Victaulic | 80,644 followers on LinkedIn.
Victaulic® - genutet Technologie - heco
Das Victaulic Konzept kann bis zu drei Mal schneller installiert werden als geschweißte Systeme, es ist zuverlässiger als Gewinde oder Flanschverbindungen, reduziert das Risiko und die Gesamtkosten der Installation.
Fire Sprinklers Product Listings - Victaulic
Browse Victaulic fire sprinklers product catalog. Filter by categories, K Factor, deflector, hazard, connection type & size, temperature rating, and more
Victaulic® - Rohrkupplungen - heco
Wir liefern Victaulic® - Rohrkupplungen in den Ausführungen Gusseisen, Edelstahl sowie Dichtungen größtenteils aus Lagervorrat.
Victaulic Pipe Fittings - McMaster-Carr
Choose from our selection of Victaulic pipe fittings, including grooved-end iron pipe fittings, easy-access CPVC pipe for chemicals, and more. Same and Next Day Delivery.
Victaulic – Wikipedia
Im „Victaulic-System“ werden mittels Rohrkupplungen genutete Stahlrohre, Edelstahlrohre und Kupferrohre – bei Verzicht auf herkömmliche Rohrverbindungsmethoden wie Schweißen, Gewindeschneiden und Flanschen – schnell, einfach und …