FRAPS show fps, record video game movies, screen capture …
Fraps can show your frame rate in games! Fraps performs video capture, screen capture and can benchmark your fps! Supports both DirectX capture and OpenGL capture!
Download Fraps 3.5.99 free version
Download the latest free version of Fraps from this page. Record video, take screenshots, and show FPS in your favourite games!
How to Use Fraps: 15 Steps (with Pictures): Quick Guide - wikiHow
2023年3月28日 · Fraps is a video-recording program used to capture video from computer games that use DirectX or OpenGL graphics technology. Fraps is available for free download with an additional paid option which removes certain limitations.
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『超实用』ImageJ图像处理 - 光漂白荧光恢复FRAP分析分子扩 …
这一期讲讲ImageJ非常实用的FRAP分析,希望对大家有所帮助。 有问题可以私信,或发送邮件至[email protected] 咨询服务也可以邮箱联系,谢谢支持!
16 FRAP操作步骤 - 哔哩哔哩
来自蔡司, 视频播放量 1315、弹幕量 0、点赞数 26、投硬币枚数 12、收藏人数 90、转发人数 32, 视频作者 一只蚂蚁zero, 作者简介 ,相关视频:妹妹什么都不知道,她只知道哥哥什么时候回家,这几个经幡拍照技巧,简直太绝了!,最后八十天高中学科经验分享,晓艳老师回应b站鬼畜视频——剪得很好 ...
How to Use Fraps to Record Footage of Your PC Games - How-To Geek
2017年3月31日 · Fraps is best known as an easy and lightweight way to see an active readout of your PC games' frames per second ---that's where the name comes from. But it's also a surprisingly flexible way to record game footage for posting …
Fraps - Wikipedia
Fraps (derived from Frames per second) is a benchmarking, screen capture and screen recording utility for Windows developed by Beepa. It can capture from software that uses DirectX and OpenGL, such as PC games.
Fraps for Windows - Free download and software reviews - CNET …
2024年7月12日 · Fraps records and benchmarks video in real time from DirectX and OpenGL games and applications. It captures onscreen video and audio, adds timestamps and counters, and benchmarks frames per...
【小石榴】FRAPS简单录制教程 - 哔哩哔哩
自制 献给某个只会用kk的少年, 视频播放量 9163、弹幕量 33、点赞数 61、投硬币枚数 29、收藏人数 89、转发人数 22, 视频作者 石榴の神, 作者简介 等一个老头环DLC,相关视频:德生pl330按键功能使用说明,漫步者S300 AirPlay网络配对连接教程,第一章 小蜜蜂AAT外观接口结构说明,iPhone最佳三大eSIM卡及ESTK ...
Fraps Support - FAQ
What is the maximum resolution supported by Half/Full-size video capture? The maximum resolution for full-size and half-size capture is currently 7680x4800. Why is the AVI movie generated by Fraps so big?