Viego - Jungler.GG
Find the most popular Pro Viego Jungle path, Season 15 jg routes and how to jungle clear with Viego as a beginner. Including the highest win-rate Viego jungle runes and item build for LoL Patch 15.6 49.4%
Viego Red Side Full Clear [14.7] | Jungle Guide - YouTube
truly the greatest viego clear of all time (but it's red) -ryanBlue Side Clear: https://youtu.be/cs8S-RxJoVY⬇️⬇️⬇️*CONNECT WITH ME**Metafy* https://metafy.gg...
Viego Jungle Optimal Full Clear : r/ViegoMains - Reddit
2023年4月16日 · For clear speed, Q at level 3 is better. Charging W for a full second when approaching a camp is also not generally best for clear speed. For most camp transitions, a small ~.5s channel seems best, just to increase the range some.
Viego 3:04 red clear [14.1] - YouTube
Viego red start full clear (2 smites) [Patch 14.1]Shards are: AS AD HPIf you have any question/request for me here is my discord server link: https://discord...
Viego 3:05 red clear (1 smite) [14.18] - YouTube
2024年9月11日 · A: Due to most clears being done in practice tool with reset game + spawn camp commands, the timer doesn't align with that of an actual game. Just know the timer in title is the same as if the...
[Patch 13.16] Viego build Full Crit only 1V9 One shot!!! - MOBAFire
2023年8月29日 · As Viego you have a very average clear speed, followed by average early skirmishing power and average ganking ability. In the early game Viego isn't necessarily weak, but he doesn't do anything particularly special. This makes it incredibly important for you to choose the easiest path to you gaining some sort of advantage in the early game.
Do you guys fill clear or 3 camp jg? : r/ViegoMains - Reddit
2022年8月5日 · I personally go for a 3 or 4 camp clear, (starting bottom buff then gromp, then top buff) just to get my abilities and have the advantage on scuttle.
Best Clear On Viego? How Good Is He In The Current Meta?
2022年8月3日 · Made this video with a solo Viego full clear. Personally I only clear 3 camps: Red -> Raptors -> Grump and will then gank a lane. What is you guys personally favorite route, and how good do you think he is in the current meta? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS0dtJrCmmY. Hope you guys like the video.
[11.4] The Ultimate In-Depth Viego Jungle Guide - MOBAFire
2021年2月28日 · Viego 's Blade of the Ruined King, with the abilities damage and the passive, allow him to clear the jungle quickly, with or without a leash, meaning he can get gold and levels faster without having to rely on ganks. The built-in sustain allows him to not need to back after his first clear as he heals up the majority of the damage.
Best Viego Clear? : r/ViegoMains - Reddit
2023年3月20日 · Viego is a snowball champ and if you're even gold with enemy jungle you're getting stomped if they picked a meta champ. He has an amazing clear though so it's pretty easy to get a huge lead with good pathing and one or two successful ganks.