Are these really "viking" axes? - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2011年6月6日 · Peterson’s typology is only concerned with Norwegian axes, so is not a complete catalog of the axes in use by Vikings (Scandinavians), or during the Viking age. I’ve been collecting info on the Eastern side of the Viking world for a few years now, so I can shed some light on this issue, hopefully more or less correct
Viking Axe & long handles / why? - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2014年2月27日 · The Viking axes you see with the heavier eyes and blades would have been more for wood work, again IMO! I guess it is like everyone says, since we don't have a "way back" machine to actually see more into the Viking culture a lot is left up to interpretation!
Viking age axe tutorial - History - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2010年9月29日 · I had a chance to research Viking Age axes in the collections of a number of the Danish museums in 2008. This included looking at the excellent reproductions of working axes at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. The related project was to create a set of ship building tools for L'Anse aux Meadows NHSC (Parks Canada).
viking axe eye shape/handle attachment - Design and Critique ...
2014年2月3日 · Good Day to all. I know I've posted a lot on this subject, but forging the axe is my play activity. I make my living forging hooks, and after you've passed the 10,000 mark, the thrill is gone :-) Anywhere, surfing the web for photos and articles of interest. Was at the British Musuem site and was looking at early viking axes.
1st Forging Trial for a Bearded Viking Axe - Show and Tell
2010年9月24日 · Those axes that has an eastern origin/influence has these round holes (and they are as a rule of smaller size: hatchets, rather than the big broad bladed "danish" axes). The western types (Bearded axes, broad axes and the earlier types of these) have holes that are shield shaped: flat top, bulging sides and sort of a rounded corner towards the ...
Axe evolution? (post viking times) - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2013年11月2日 · Don't forget Hammered Symbols on Axes and Other Forged Products, Gustl Reinthaler 2001, no ISBN. Available in English and German, has photos and line drawings of all manner of handled and swung woodworking tools from the Austro-Hungarian Empire regions of central Europe, 15th-19th centuries.
Viking Axes? Also a sword. - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2016年12月23日 · Viking Axes? Also a sword. By Cecil Taylor December 23, 2016 in Show and Tell. Share More sharing options
Viking age axe tutorial - Page 8 - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2010年9月29日 · Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. Sign In. Forgot your password? Sign Up
Viking Axe & long handles / why? - Page 2 - History - Bladesmith's ...
2014年2月27日 · I dont know much about earlier or later axes, there might be blurrier lines there. In the late viking age and early medieaval period there is no doubt. One picture of the irish axes where I highlighted the typical weapon axe features, and one illustration by Vegard Vike of a beautiful axe found recently in Norway.
Viking Axe WIP - Show and Tell - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2016年1月13日 · In many ways, this axe was a leap forward for me. I was able to use more authentic techniques and tools to create this axe. Being able to forge-weld eye socket, body, and bit together, and have it turn out virtually invisible, has been a goal of mine for years. This opens the door to many new options for making Viking axes.