Anyone write Go full time using vim? : r/golang - Reddit
Using nvim + coc.vim and vim-go and is ok. After weeks and weeks configuring shit in vim, I tend to just stick with the simplest solution that isn't vscode. I used to care a lot about workflows …
What's the best Neovim-setup for Go? : r/neovim - Reddit
2022年2月7日 · Welcome to /r/Linux! This is a community for sharing news about Linux, interesting developments and press. If you're looking for tech support, /r/Linux4Noobs is a …
Vim plugin like vscode "go to definition" function : r/vim - Reddit
2023年3月13日 · Dose Vim have plugin can support jump from one file to another file like vscode "go to definition" function. So I can easily to find the function definition area, without to give a …
How do I know if I use vim.o, vim.bo/vim.wo or vim.go for my …
2022年5月13日 · Actually now that I look at the source code, there shouldn't be any difference between vim.o and vim.opt as far as global options go, except that vim.opt does some stuff …
NvChad (nvim on steroids) + Go setup? : r/golang - Reddit
2021年8月20日 · Ask questions and post articles about the Go programming language and related tools, events etc ...
how to jump to the definition of a function? : r/vim - Reddit
2020年7月30日 · Go to vim r/vim. r/vim. The place for questions and conversation on the Vim editor Members Online ...
What is the best Golang config while using LazyVim - Reddit
The point of vim is to be the simplest possible. It's not meant to be changed depeding the language. If you want an IDE full of features for go, use Goland If you want vim, search for …
how to go to previous location? : r/vim - Reddit
2018年3月31日 · Vim makes it really easy to get your cursor to the right location in as few commands as possible outside of insert mode. Insert mode is explicitly for inserting text, that's …
A good way to jump between buffers : r/vim - Reddit
2019年3月14日 · Vim is a deep and complex subject that take some time to learn. It is best to learn Vim in small bite-size portions, make it a habit, then learn some more ( This is …
Bộ gõ tiếng việt telex với .vimrc : r/vim - Reddit
2023年11月24日 · Trong quá trình dùng VIM thì việc edit, việt tài liệu khá là bực mình với mấy ông bộ gõ, đặc biệt là dùng normal node. Nên t code vo cũng tiện học cách dùng VIM macro …