NS VIRM - Wikipedia
VIRM trains, full name Verlengd InterRegio Materieel (transl. Lengthened interregional rolling stock), are a series of electric multiple unit (EMU) double-deck trains operated by Nederlandse Spoorwegen or NS (Dutch Railways), the principal railway operator in the Netherlands.
VIRM 8712 vertrekt uit Station Schiphol - YouTube
NS VIRM 8712 vertrekt uit Station Schiphol als Intercity naar Den Haag Centraal.
The Rosemount 8712 features a full range of software functions for configuration of output from the transmitter. Software functions are accessed through the LOI, AMS, a Handheld Communicator, or a control system.
Dubbeldeksinterregiomaterieel - Wikipedia
Verlengd interregiomaterieel (VIRM) is een dubbeldekstrein van de Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS). Deze heeft er 178, te weten 98 van het type vierwagentreinstel (VIRM-IV), en 80 van het type zeswagentreinstel (VIRM-VI). De eerste serie (VIRM-1) is ontstaan door verlenging van de DD-IRM, het Dubbeldeksinterregiomaterieel.
flow sensor contains two magnetic coils located on opposite sides of the sensor. Two electrodes, located perpendicular to the coils and opposite each other, make contact with the liquid. The transmitter energizes the coils and creates a magnetic field. A conductive liquid moving through the magnetic field generates an induced voltage at …
Rosemount 8712EM Wall Mount Magnetic Flow Meter …
Rosemount 8712E Wall Mount Magnetic Flow Meter Transmitters: Intuitive Local Operator Interface with dedicated keys enhance ease of use and enables instant access to all diagnostic information. Ideal for hazardous environments or difficult-to-reach locations.
NS 8711: Foto's - treinposities
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Rosemount 8712ES Flow Transmitter - Instrumart
The Rosemount 8712 transmitter is a remote mount solution for Rosemount magnetic flow meter systems. The Rosemount 8712 features an easy-to-use operator interface, with quick access to all diagnostic information, and instant access to basic configuration setup through dedicated keys.
Dubbeldeks Interregiomaterieel – martijnvanvulpen.nl
De treinstellen zijn nodig voor de intensieve treindienst op de A2-corridor. Het materieel rijdt hierbij alle treinen tussen Alkmaar/Enkhuizen en Maastricht/Heerlen. Ook rijdt het VIRM op de nieuwe intercityverbinding tussen Schiphol en Venlo. Vanaf februari 2021 rijden de stellen ook weer alle treinen tussen Zwolle en Roosendaal.
Read this manual before working with the product. For personal and system safety, and for optimum product performance, make sure you thoroughly understand the contents before installing, using, or maintaining this product. Installation and servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only.