For a better world | Visy
Visy is Australia’s largest recycling company, and we partner with councils across Australia to process approximately 40 per cent of Australia’s kerbside recycling bins. Our partnerships with councils and our customers are diverting materials away from landfill, cutting emissions and protecting our precious natural resources.
Visy Logo & Brand Assets (SVG, PNG and vector) - Brandfetch
Find the Visy style guide with brand assets such as logos, colors, fonts, and more.
Visy - Wikipedia
Visy Industries (known as Pratt Industries USA in the US) is a privately owned Australian-American paper, packaging and recycling company established in Melbourne in 1948. Visy was founded by a number of people.
About - Visy
Our vision is to be the global leader in creating sustainable packaging solutions for a better world. To deliver this vision, we’re investing over $2 billion to transform recycling and remanufacturing. Our investment means more recycling, less landfill and thousands of new green collar jobs.
关于我们 | Visy - 符合世界最高标准纸业制品 | Visy 纸业 | 纸品 — Visy …
Visy长期以来一直支持澳大利亚加强与中国的深度商业联系,中国是澳大利亚最大的农业、林业和渔业出口市场。 Visy拥有超过48年的纸品制造经验及40多年来为客户开发创新性饮料纸盒方案的经验。
The following is a guide for Visy customers to apply the FSC logo on Visy’s behalf and as such adherence to this guide is mandatory. As Visy is the licensee for the FSC logo (FSC-C008345) that may be used on Visy’s products, rules
Home - Visy Product Catalogue
Visy's Product Catalogue is designed to make it easy for our customers to find the right packaging solution to meet their needs. Search, find and review packaging solutions for a wide range of industries including Beverage, Dairy, Fruit & Produce, Meat, Non Food and Packaged Food.
Visy Oy Vector Logo - (.SVG + .PNG) - SeekVectorLogo.Net
2019年10月1日 · Visy Oy Vector Logo available to download for free. Visy Oy logo in vector .SVG file format.
Visy China - Integrated solution for packaging and resource …
Visy is a leading, privately owned packaging and resource recovery company. For over 60 years, Visy has provided customers with the most innovative, protective and eye-catching packaging in the business
VISY logo (in color) - 商標資訊 - 公司登記查詢中心
登記地址: 澳大利亞: 商標名稱: VISY logo (in color) 商標樣態: 平面: 商標種類: 商標: 圖樣顏色: 彩色: 申請案號: 102060413: 申請日期