Viz One 8 – More Scalable, Reliable, and Flexible Than Ever Before
Viz One 8 introduces a rebuilt, orchestrated container backend architecture; making it much more flexible, scalable, and resilient, easier to deploy in any on-premises, cloud, or hybrid technology stack, and makes future upgrades much easier to undertake.
Viz One - Vizrt
Viz One is a centralized and scalable platform to ingest, manage, edit, and deliver content effortlessly and cost-effectively. Viz One provides broadcasters, sports leagues, and other content creators with all the tools, workflows, and flexibility they need to …
Viz One - Product & Maintenance Updates - Vizrt
Ready to Transform Your Video Storytelling? Discover the latest features for Viz One. Learn more with the Product Updates available on the FTP.
Vizrt 維斯 - VOXEL 碩方科技
Viz One 實現真正的 End-to-End 媒體資產管理,將您以前分散的所有媒體資產管理任務整合到一個集中、易於管理的系統中, 使您可以輕鬆攝取、發現、編輯、分發和存檔有價值的內容。 Viz One 的 client 客戶端是 Studio。
Vizrt 发布 Viz Libero 8.2,通过新的无代码数据中心集成来控制数 …
2023年10月23日 · Viz Libero 8.2 提供了八个新的本机数据可视化选项,包括罚球图、攻击图以及球员和球队比较统计数据。 操作员所需要做的就是选择可视化选项,然后单击比赛或球队即可将数据自动填充到图形中。
Vizrt 发布 Viz Engine 5.1 版本:具有由 Viz AI 支持的 Reality …
2023年9月1日 · Viz Engine 5引入了与虚幻引擎5的全新集成,该集成解决了性能、工作流程、可控性和资产管理等问题。 Viz Engine 5.1同时支持虚幻引擎5.0和5.1版本,并包含了近十项新的进步和功能。 “客户对虚幻引擎5的反馈是Viz Engine 5.1开发的一个重要因素。 它向业界发出了一个信号,即Vizrt将继续投资于这一重要的合作伙伴关系,”Lang总结道。 除了这里描述的功能外,Viz Engine 5.1还包括对Viz Engine Renderer的大量改进,增加了Clip Player Pro作为Flexible …
Vizrt Maximizes Viz One MAM with New Dedicated Business Unit
2023年1月23日 · Vizrt has created an Enterprise Media Asset Management (MAM) Business Unit for customers of its MAM system, Viz One, in order to deliver tailored MAM systems based on needs. “In conversations with our customers, we’ve determined they are looking for an open, reliable platform to operate and scale themselves.
Viz One - Viz Artist and Engine
2018年4月3日 · To use Viz One with Viz Artist, each Viz Artist/Viz One integration must be authenticated through the Authentication panel in the Viz Configuration. See Integration with Viz One for the Fsmon and Mediaftp install and remove procedures. This section details the properties of the Viz One configuration panel.
Vizrt Forums
2025年3月5日 · Viz Artist, Viz Engine - Both 2x and 3x versions are one forum. For 3x specific issues post under the 3x forum and the same for 2x specific issues. If general questions related to both versions, use the top forum. Playlist, Traffic/Scheduling, Automation, Playout, Template Graphics, DVE, Media Sequencer Engine, Control Plug-ins…
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