VL3 - World's fastest UL aircraft
VL3 is an ultralight, aerodynamically directed, single-engined, low-wing airplane of classic design with fore-type retractable or fixed landing gear and with two pilot seats next to each other.
VL3 Aircraft - MMG Superformance
Vortec Aviation is the authorized dealer for the VL3 aircraft in the Midwest United States. The VL3 aircraft provides the very best in speed, style, safety, and luxury. Up to 200 kts, full carbon fiber / Kevlar design, Ballistic parachute, Retractable gear, Luxury interior
JMB Aircraft claims its Rotax 915-powered VL3 is the quickest with a top cruise of 199 KTAS at 18,000 feet. U.S. buyers of V3Ls must license them in the experimental exhibition category. For more information, contact JMB Aircraft at 635 Nádražní, 565 01 Choceň, Czechia or via jmbaircraft.com.
We Fly: The JMB Aircraft VL-3 - FLYING Magazine
2022年8月12日 · The VL-3 that we flew has a Rotax 915S turbocharged powerplant up front, which has more horsepower than the 914 Turbo that I fly in the Astore (115 hp). JMB advertises the top speed as 370 km/h...
VL3 - JMB Aviation
La verrière en verre acrylique permet des vues spectaculaires depuis l’avion tout au long de votre voyage. Elle est légèrement teintée pour votre confort. Chaque tableau de bord est réalisé selon les spécifications de l’avion. Les instruments sont montés dans une plaque découpée au laser avec des inscriptions de surface créées par sérigraphie.
VL3 - JMB Aircraft Germany
Für Langstreckenpiloten: die VL3 Evolution mit hydraulischem Einziehfahrwerk, um optimale Reisegeschwindigkeiten zu erreichen.
Opinions on the JMB VL-3 915 - Pilots of America
2019年11月7日 · I happened to have come across the VL-3 (experimental) made by JBM aircraft in Czech Republic. They’re now offering this aircraft with the Rotax 915. It’s a 2-seater, retractable (option), with a ballistic parachute, and can be ordered with WAAS-IFR and autopilot for an all-weather XC flyer.
VL3 915 Evolution In Action – VL3 – World's fastest UL aircraft
2020年8月6日 · Short Video of our 915 VL3 Evolution. No need to sacrifice performance for fuel efficiency, with the 915 you have the best of both worlds. High service ceiling, speed, and great fuel economy.
Speed Freak! JMB VL3-915 flight test - FLYER
2020年8月4日 · Every difference on this new VL-3 with the Rotax 915 iS, compared to the earlier 100 and 115hp models, boils down to performance. So what does the new engine deliver? Obviously, True Air Speed increases with altitude, and this is where the intercooled turbo shows its prowess, with its ability to develop full take-off power up to 15,000ft.
VL3 - World's fastest UL aircrafts
VL3 is an ultralight, aerodynamically directed, single-engined, low-wing airplane of classic design with fore-type retractable or fixed landing gear and with two pilot seats next to each other.