Abstract 2760: A mouse orthotopic model of pancreatic cancer …
2020年8月15日 · The mouse pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma PAN02 was produced in C57BL/6 mice exposed to 3-methyl-cholanthrene. PAN02 is generally resistant to standard cancer therapeutics, thus providing an appropriately rigorous model for the development of clinically effective agents to treat aggressive and intractable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Inoculation of Pan02 cells produces tumor nodules in mouse
2024年3月28日 · In searching for a pancreatic carcinoma cell that can be introduced into a mouse via simple injection, we found that Pan02, a murine ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma derived from a pancreatic lesion of a C57BL/6 mouse, inoculated peritoneally can consistently produce pancreatic tumors.
Orthotopic Pan02 model of pancreatic cancer is insensitive to …
We found that orthotopic Pan02 tumour-bearing mice responded poorly to gemcitabine, PD-L1 blockade and CTLA-4 blockade ( Figure 1 A-1C, study outlines in Supplementary Figure S1A). This allowed...
了解细胞相关信息和细胞处理方法。请准备好需要用到的培养基和相关试剂,尽量避免因. 进行镜检,拍照留档,方便后期对比。如发现细胞异常请及时与我们联系,如果三天内未与我们联系,则默认为收�. 了解细胞相关信息和细胞处理方法。请准备好需要用到的培养基和相关试剂,尽量避免因. 冻现象,请及时拍照并与我们联系。如果三天内未与我们联系,则默认为收�. 于-80°C,让管中液氮挥发,防止炸管�. 细胞至上述15 mL离心管,减�. 培养瓶或底面积相当的培养容器中。加入足量完全培养 …
Establishment of an orthotopic pancreatic cancer mouse model…
2014年7月28日 · Methods: Pan02 cells were suspended in low-temperature Matrigel and injected into the parenchyma of pancreatic tails of C57BL/6 mice, with cells suspended in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) serving as a control. Primary and …
Pan02 – pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma model ... - Labcorp
2017年7月1日 · Pan02 was derived from C57BL/6 mice given orthotopic 3-methyl-cholanthrene and is refractory to many standard chemotherapeutic agents. 1 Pan02 contains a loss of function mutation in the SMAD4 gene that is functionally similar to inactivating mutations in approximately 30% of human pancreatic cancers. 2
Panc02 细胞系是一种广泛使用的小鼠模型,用于研究胰腺导管腺癌 (PDAC),这是最常见和最具侵袭性的胰腺癌形式。 Panc02 细胞最初源自 C57BL/6 小鼠化学诱导的胰腺肿瘤。 该细胞系在临床前研究中高度相关,因为它可以原位植入同基因小鼠体内,模仿自然肿瘤环境,并为 PDAC 的免疫反应和治疗耐药机制提供见解。 使用 Panc02 的研究为 PDAC 的免疫抑制微环境提供了重要的见解。 一项研究表明,Panc02 肿瘤被调节性 T 细胞 (Treg) 严重浸润,从而抑制抗肿瘤免疫反 …
1) Preparation: warm up the complete culture medium in 37°C water bath for 30 mins. Transfer the cryopreserved vial from liquid nitrogen to - 80°C freezer, and leave for several minutes to volatilize
胞生长状态良好时, 可进行细胞冻存。 贴壁细胞冻存时,弃去培养基后加入少量胰酶, 细胞变圆脱落后, 进行离心收集,1000RPM 条件下离心3-5 分钟,去除上清, 按冻存数量 .
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Panc02 ( 小鼠胰腺癌细胞)
PAN02小鼠胰腺导管腺癌细胞系最初由Corbett等人通过将携带3-甲基胆蒽的棉线植入 C57BL/6小鼠的胰腺,获得诱导的导管腺癌组织再进行系列皮下移植而建立。