Boost Volume and Sound Quality on Your PC - FxSound
Whether you want a volume booster, bass booster, better sound quality, or an easy-to-use Windows EQ, we've got you covered. Our users are budget audiophiles, music lovers, gamers, transcriptionists, Netflix bingers, and more.
Download FxSound - Boost Your Sound On Windows
Free software to boost sound quality, volume, and bass. Including an equalizer, effects, and presets for customized audio. Download Changelog
Hi need help with a EQ Setting PUBG - Get Help - FxSound
2023年9月22日 · If so, I guess the best thing to do would be to use some combination of the Dynamic Boost slider (which increases overall volume) along with the Clarity slider and the two or three Equalizer sliders most to the right (i.e., the high frequencies).
DFX Audio Enhancer - Boost Your Sound
This new and improved version has a new EQ, new presets, and much much more. (And it's completely free.) Download
How To Use FxSound to Boost Your Sound Quality and Volume
FxSound contains a high quality volume boost, designed to fill any amplitude need. No expensive or cumbersome hardware. No substandard, lossy processing. Just you and a targeted, clean boost to your sound. FxSound works to increase your volume level in multiple ways.
How To Use FxSound’s Equalizer
We’ve discussed balancing your audio’s volume and bass, but to really maximize what your audio hardware can deliver, you’ll need to know how to use equalization. FxSound comes with a studio-grade equalizer, or EQ.
FxSound Learning Center - Equalizer
Articles to help you control your sound with FxSound Equalizer (EQ) and fine tune every frequency to your precise needs and taste.
How to Use FxSound's EQ - FxSound Learning Center
With the new EQ, you can adjust the frequency of band. So instead of 9 static frequency values, you can adjust them to your heart's desire. Once you've spun the rotary wheel to get the perfect frequency, click and drag the EQ thumb to set that frequency's level.
FXsound and windows sound settings
2023年12月21日 · The Loudness Equalizer keeps sound output from all applications on your computer within a consistent volume range. Long takes a longer time to level the output, and balances out the sound quality, while Short does it faster.
FxSound Enhancer
This new and improved version has a new EQ, new presets, and much much more. (And it's completely free.) Download