Abandoned “Voodoo Bunkers” of Sandy Hook - Weird NJ
2020年2月15日 · Abandoned “Voodoo Bunkers” of Sandy Hook Mark and Mark February 15, 2020 0 . There is one particular abandoned dynamite bunker on a remote beach on Sandy Hook that holds some very strange and mysterious secrets. Sandy Hook is a 6-mile long peninsula jutting from the New Jersey coast into the Atlantic Ocean at the northern tip of Monmouth ...
Finding Sandy Hook’s Voodoo Bunker - NJspots
2023年1月29日 · Sandy Hook’s Voodoo Bunker takes a little bit of searching, but once you find it, the photos will be well worth the sandy shoes (especially if you see the seals too!) Parking and starting the trek. You can start in one of two spots: the South Beach Area E parking lot, or the Gunnison Beach parking lot, depending on how packed each lot is ...
One of N.J.'s strangest and most beautiful sites is in danger of ...
2016年12月2日 · Most people don't even know this half-submerged historic bunker with its strange murals even exists. ... The bunker is referred to by some locals as the "Voodoo Bunker." And on blogs and social ...
Voodoo Bunker - Sandy Hook NJ - X | Voodoo Bunker - Hidden …
2015年4月8日 · Voodoo Bunker - Hidden New Jersey Friday, April 15, 2011 The Voodoo They Do So Well At Sandy Hook Sandy Hook is rife with abandoned and decaying gun batteries and supporting structures. Look around closely enough, and you're bound to find pillboxes and Quonset Huts among the larger batteries and office buildings. Some of them are in pretty decent shape, while others look as if they were ...
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Hidden New Jersey: The Voodoo they do so well at Sandy Hook
2011年4月15日 · The sand that had once obscured the bunkers had eroded over time, leaving two brick and concrete buildings with curved roofs. The one that lacks a door is the voodoo bunker. Before we entered, our guide warned us that we might encounter the carcass of a sacrificed animal inside, and indeed, a several-days slaughtered chicken was decaying in the ...
Exploring the Abandoned Military Bunkers of Sandy Hook, NJ
2025年1月10日 · Sandy Hook, New Jersey was once an Army base known as Fort Hancock. Today, most of the structures are sitting abandoned. In this video I explore the bunkers and other structures including the infamous "Voodoo Bunker."
Exploring the Abandoned Military Bunkers of Sandy Hook, NJ
Sandy Hook, New Jersey was once an Army base known as Fort Hancock. Today, most of the structures are sitting abandoned. In this video I explore the bunkers ...
r/abandoned on Reddit: Exploring Abandoned Bunkers on the …
There's a lot of neat stuff on the Sandy Hook peninsula that's fun for urban explorers though these features aren't exactly hidden. The fort dates back to shortly after the Civil War and was part of the World War II Harbor Defenses of New York as it's only a few nautical miles from NYC.
voodoo - Weird NJ
2020年2月15日 · Abandoned “Voodoo Bunkers” of Sandy Hook Mark and Mark February 15, 2020 0 Sandy Hook is a 6-mile long peninsula jutting from the New Jersey coast into the Atlantic Ocean at the northern...
GHOSTS ON THE COAST 2.18: The "Voodoo" Bunker of Sandy …
2016年8月18日 · A look inside the so-called "Voodoo" Bunker of Sandy Hook (featured in Weird N.J and other publications), which was originally part of the US Military's pres...