LDO Voron 2.4 R2 (Rev D) 3D Printer Kit - MatterHackers
The LDO Voron 2.4 R2 (Rev D) 3D Printer Kit offers high-speed, quality 3D printing with a large build volume up to 350x350x350mm. It features a CoreXY design and comes with essential hardware, including pre-cut wiring and acrylic panels for an enclosure as well as premium components like the E3D Revo hotend and Bondtech extruder parts.
VORON Design
Get started with VORON 3D printer, the best little CoreXY 'space shuttle' you can build in your garden shed, or your kitchen.
疯狂的小船,我们的友谊说翻就翻…VORON2.4 沃龙350近程机型
Voron 2.4 R2 当我小伙伴向我定了台 350MM尺寸 X轴改碳管,说想看下跑船娱乐一下,OK~那么安排!!! 疯狂的小船疯狂的打印5分55秒 ~ Allen-Voron
光轴版350尺寸voron2.4,进度…… - 哔哩哔哩
光轴可封箱版voron2.4,350尺寸, 视频播放量 4436、弹幕量 0、点赞数 44、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 12、转发人数 1, 视频作者 莫名的女巫, 作者简介 只是有些迷茫,但红色的信仰从未动摇 ,相关视频:voron2.4大尺寸350即将上架,全金属结构件上银线轨,这台3d打印机 ...
Trident or V2.4, 300 or 350 - VORON Design
2023年9月26日 · While researching other printers, Prusa XL, Bambu, Creality, I came across Voron, a name I have not heard of before, so I looked into them, and here I am. I am looking for either a 300 or 350 size, but do I go with a Trident, or the 2.4?
Evan10E/10E_Voron-v2.4-350mm - GitHub
At the time of making this, the only Voron 2.4 CAD model available was for the 250mm default size. I reconfigured the model for the 350mm side. This isn't the default configuration and instead has the modifications and color scheme that I was planning to use.
Formbot Voron 2.4 R2 "Pro" 350 Kit build - VORON Design
2024年1月29日 · Ordered the Formbot 2.4 R2 "Pro" 350 Kit direct from the Formbot site on 1/05 (US delivery) and received everything on 1/10. Started unpacking on 1/11. The Formbot PRO Kit includes a lot of the current common upgrades such as TAP, Nevermore, toolhead PCBs, ACM deck, and 5" HDMI screen.
Etienneg93/Voron2.4r2-350mm: My config for Voron 2.4 V2.4874 - GitHub
This repository contains the Klipper configuration files for my Voron 2.4r2 350mm 3D printer. These files are essential for the operation, tuning, and management of the printer.
Voron 2.4 #5473 350mm Build Log, Review - Angry Griffin
2023年3月31日 · This is a new Voron 2.4r2 350mm build based on a Unique Prints 350mm kit. This is far from the cheapest you can build a Voron for (<$2k landed for a BOM Voron iirc) – there is a mixture of mods, some of which are aimed at increased reliability/speed/consistency and some which are just because I felt like doing them.
Voron 2.4 R2 (Rev D) 3D Printer Kit by LDO - Fabreeko
The Voron 2.4 (also known as the v2.4) is the flagship 3D printer model by Voron Design, featuring a core XY motion system, quad-gantry leveling, and belted Z-axis for lightning-fast speeds and unparalleled quality. LDO's latest Voron 2.4 kit is now updated to Rev D, including new exciting features and upgrades at a lower price. Building a v2.4 ...
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