Get started with VORON 3D printer, the best little CoreXY 'space shuttle' you can build in your garden shed, or your kitchen.
VoronDesign/Voron-0: Voron 0 CoreXY 3D Printer design - GitHub
Voron 0 CoreXY 3D Printer design. Contribute to VoronDesign/Voron-0 development by creating an account on GitHub.
VORON Design
The original goal of the VORON project, back in 2015, was to create a no-compromise 3D printer that was fun to assemble and a joy to use. It had to be quiet, clean, pretty, and continue to operate 24 hours a day without requiring constant fiddling.
Voron0-V0.2 桌面3D打印机 快速上手指南 – IX的主页
在控制台中点击全部回原点,或显示屏中选择[HOME ALL]后,打印机应按照X、Y、Z的顺序依次回原点,对于Voron0,XY原点位于右后方(Xmax Ymax),Z原点位于下方(Zmin)。
Voron0-150制作说明 - CSDN博客
2021年2月13日 · 以下总结本次Voron0-150的制作情况,以及未完成部分内容: 主要改动部分如下: 将120x120mm热床改为150x150mm热床,某宝查了一圈,没找到120mm的成品热床,用铝板做的话,一方面麻烦,另一方面价格没有优势,本着DIY节省成本的原则,换用了150x150的热 …
Voron0.2 R1 套件 | 九维造物 Wiki
¶ Voron0.2 R1安装指引. 跟随以下步骤,你将了解Voron V0系列3D打印机以及其安装指南。 关于套件及其区别; ¶ 安装前的准备. 初识Voron0.2; 需要准备的工具; ¶ 机械部分. 安装前准备; 框架部分(Z轴) 框架部分(AB电机) 框架部分(X轴) 工具头 (此部分请参考安装 ...
This configurator is designed to provide a customized bill of materials for your VORON0.1 build.
V0 - Voron3D Wiki
Official Voron Design link: https://vorondesign.com/voron0. Below is a generic image of what a Voron V0 can look like. Like all Voron 3D printers, the V0 can be highly customized to create whatever type of printer you would like. What is a V0. The Voron V0 is a small 3D printer with a build area of 120mm³.
Voron 0.2:打印头从MiniAB到MiniSB的进化 - 哔哩哔哩
VORON0.2 中文版安装手册发布 (第二版) - 哔哩哔哩
花了几天时间把voron0.2的官方安装手册翻译成了中文。 除了前十几页介绍零件和工具的没有翻译,安装步骤部分全部已经翻译。 建议新手朋友安装前一定看一遍!