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The Vox T-25 Bass Amplifier - VOX Showroom
The T-25 "practice" combo amp had one 10" bass speaker and one tweeter horn in a closed back, medium density fiber board enclosure. The twenty five watt solid state power amp featured a volume control and four tone controls and dual input jacks.
Vox T-25 55 Watt Bass Amp - Reverb
55 watt solid state bass amp with classic Vox styling. 1x10" speaker and an aluminum tweeter give broad range and definition; even my guitar sounds good through this amp for deep Queens-of-the-Stone-Age-style sludge-rock tones. Single channel with hi/low gain inputs for basses with passive/active pickups.
Vox T-25 55-watt Bass Combo Amplifier - Reverb
55 watt solid state bass amp with classic Vox styling. 1x10" speaker and an aluminum tweeter give broad range and definition; even guitar sounds good through this amp for deep Queens-of-the-Stone-Age-style sludge-rock tones. Single channel with hi/low gain inputs for …
Vox T-25 Bassilator 55W Combo Bass Amp - Reverb
This is a 55 watt solid state bass amp with classic Vox styling. 1x10" speaker and an aluminum tweeter give broad range and definition. Single channel with hi/low gain inputs for basses with passive/active pickups. Headphone out for silent practice. 4-band EQ and an additional 'Bassilator' switch to induce greater low end presence.
The Vox T-15 Bass Amplifier - VOX Showroom
The T-15 combo bass amp was introduced in 2003. The T-15 combo amp had one 8" bass speaker in a closed back, medium density fiber board enclosure. The fifteen watt power amp featured a volume control and three tone controls. Along with a single input jack, head phone and CD input jacks were provided.
Vox - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Vox是美国沃克斯传媒旗下的新闻评论网站,持自由主义立场 [2] 。 网站于2014年4月由 以斯拉·凯恩 ( 英语 : Ezra Klein ) 、 马修·伊格莱西亚斯 ( 英语 : Matthew Yglesias ) 和 梅丽莎·贝尔 ( 英语 : Melissa Bell (journalist) ) 创办,特点是解释性新闻 [ 3 ] 。
Vox T-25 Bass amp - TalkBass.com
2015年3月30日 · It's a pretty cool practice amp, good tone and the bassilator is a bass boost. It's loud enough for a small cafe gig. It's a practice amp not a giging amp. Sounds good with guitar plugged in too! HC has some reviews. I had one a few years back, with a really nice dust cover that had the "Vox" logo stitched on gold thread.
JMI Vox T.60 Amplifier (1962-1966) - VOX Showroom
The 1963 Vox catalog offers a revised version of the T.60 speaker cabinet that featured one 15" Celestion bass speaker and one 15 watt 12" Celestion Alnico Blue speaker. A crossover capacitor filtered the lowest bass frequencies from the 12". Im 1964, Vox brought back the 2x15" version of the T.60 cabinet, renamed as the "Vox AC-100 Bass Cabinet."