Vrihedd - Digital Artist | DeviantArt
Check out Vrihedd's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get inspired.
Vrihedd Brigade - Witcher Wiki
Vrihedd was an elven brigade of the 4th Cavalry Army, Nilfgaardian mounted troops commanded by Major general Markus Braibant. Their emblem consisted of silver lightning bolts on their sleeves. The brigade was led by Isengrim Faoiltiarna. The unit was noted for its cruel acts during the Second Northern War against Nordling civilians.
Vrihedd | 2D/3D artist and animator - Instagram
130K Followers, 305 Following, 398 Posts - Vrihedd | 2D/3D artist and animator (@_vrihedd) on Instagram: "My 2D tools: Photoshop, Clip Studio Paint, Procreate Animation: Spine Pro, After Effects 3D Sculpting: Blender"
Vrihedd - The Official Witcher Wiki
The Vrihedd brigade was an elven division of the 4th Horse Cavalry, Nilfgaardian mounted troops commanded by Major General Markus Braibant. Their emblem consisted of silver lightning bolts on their sleeves.
维里赫德旅 - 猎魔人中文维基 | 獵魔士中文維基 | 巫师狩魔猎人攻 …
维里赫德旅 (Vrihedd Brigade)是一支隶属于 马库斯·布莱班特 少将率领的 尼弗迦德 骑兵军团 第四骑兵军团 的,主要由 精灵 组成的师级作战单位。 他们以缝在衣袖上的数道银色闪电为队伍的标志,指挥官是 伊森格林·法欧提亚纳。
vrihedd (@vrihedd) | TikTok
vrihedd (@vrihedd) on TikTok | 657.8K Likes. 28.2K Followers. 2D/3D artist and animator. Apps: Photoshop, Spine Pro, After Effects, Blender.Watch the latest video from vrihedd (@vrihedd).
Vrihedd - Digital Artist | DeviantArt
Vrihedd 2.8K Watchers 140 Deviations 86.2K Pageviews Home Gallery Favourites Posts About Watch
@vrihedd on Tumblr
Software: Blender3D, Photoshop, Spine2D. The biggest model I've sculpted so far It was made in Blender3D. Made in Spine2D. "If it's a fight, I'm ready to go". Used apps: Blender, Photoshop, …
Vrihedd | 2D/3D artist and animator - Threads
2025年3月2日 · My most complex 3D sculpt, made in Blender. It was mostly focused on studying anatomy and building a full figure. I learned a lot from this project and also created one of my fav OC. Probably the last artwork of this year 🫠 Animated in Spine2d. Remaster of an old work.
Vrihedd | Wiedźmin Wiki | Fandom
Vrihedd – nilfgaardzka brygada kawalerii złożona z elfów, wchodząca w skład IV Armii Konnej. Znakiem brygady były srebrne błyskawice naszywane na rękawie. Po zakończeniu wojny, na mocy ugody w Cintrze, Nilfgaardczycy wydali trzydziestu dwóch oficerów formacji w ręce Nordlingów. Według sagi mieli oni zostać objęci amnestią.
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