faa regulations - Is the interpretation of "54 knots CAS at the ...
2023年8月11日 · (1) A maximum stalling speed or minimum steady flight speed without the use of lift-enhancing devices (V S1 ) of not more than 45 knots CAS, except for airplanes, which must …
Van’s Aircraft Comments on MOSAIC NPRM FAA-2023-1377
2024年1月23日 · The current 54 KCAS Vs1 limitation will encourage manufacturers to add fixed high lift devices to make their aircraft fit within the category. This will reduce safety. One …
54 knot CAS MOSAIC requirement, and only that. :) - Pilots of …
2013年10月5日 · The green arc on my 1979 Warrior's (-161) ASI starts at 50 kts, so the Warrior II falls under the MOSAIC Vs1 requirement. Are V-speeds documented in any standard place …
MOSAIC VS1 (clean stall speed) - Van's Air Force
2024年10月14日 · The FAA definition of Vs1 is the stall speed in a specific configuration, which is obviously pretty vague. We mostly interpret that as gear and flaps up, but is it with full power …
faa regulations - With the new MOSAIC rule, would it allow for me …
2023年8月22日 · Under the proposed rulemaking, a sport pilot may act as pilot in command of an aircraft that fits the restrictions (54 KCAS, etc.), but your 172 will still have a standard …
Van’s Aircraft Thoughts on EAA’s MOSAIC Comments and Guidance
2024年1月18日 · Instead of one large step up in requirements, smaller steps would allow MOSAIC to bridge the gap between the current 54 KCAS Vs1 proposal and type-certified …
What are the landing stall speeds of a Cessna 172?
2016年6月20日 · At low speed, near the stall, 40 KIAS (the low end of the white arc) and 48 KCAS (Vs0 in the POH) refer to the same actual speed. While there is a limited divergence (0 …
MOSAIC Proposed LSA Rule Change : r/flying - Reddit
(1) A maximum stalling speed or minimum steady flight speed without the use of lift-enhancing devices (VS1) of not more than 45 knots CAS, except for airplanes, which must have a VS1 …
Specifications – American Kodiak
Stall Speed Vs1 (flaps up) 78 kcas: 145 kph: Stall Speed Vs0 (flaps down) 66 kcas: 122 kph: Rate of Climb (max cont as SL) 1,724 ft/min: 525 m/min: Rate of Climb (10,000 ft) 1,273 ft/min: 388 …
Thoughts after 2 year of owning a DA40NG - diamondaviators.net
2024年3月19日 · The DA40-180 VS1 is expressed in Indicated airspeed -- VS1 of 53kt KIAS at 2646lb. At higher speeds the difference is very small but at lower speeds it appears to be …