VS2 Diamond: What Is Important To Know - The Diamond Pro
2024年1月15日 · A VS2 grade comes in around the middle of the overall grading scale for diamond clarity, but realistically indicates a high-quality diamond that is very close to looking flawless when viewed in normal conditions. In order to understand what a VS2 diamond is, it’s important to know the basics of the diamond clarity chart.
VS2 Diamond Clarity Rating Guide [With Videos & Images]
VS2 diamonds represent a Goldilocks zone where inclusions can’t be seen with the naked eyes and they don’t come with a hefty price tag like their internally flawless or VVS counterparts. In this guide, you will see real life examples of how a VS2 diamond would look like and discover the insights to shopping for eyeclean diamonds.
VVS净度和VS净度哪个好,VVS和VS净度等级的区别 - 知乎
在 GIA,将钻石净度级别划分为6个大等级,内含11个小级别,为无瑕级 (FL)、内无瑕级 (IF)、极轻微内含级(VVS1,VVS2)、轻微内含级(VS1,VS 2)、微内含级(SI1,SI2)、内含级(I1、I2,I3)。 下面介绍 VVS净度 和VS净度哪个好,及VVS和VS净度等级的区别。 通过以上净度分级表可看出, VVS(极轻微内含级)和 VS(轻微内含级)均包含两个子类别:VVS1 和 VVS2,VS1 和 VS2。 钻石净度等级由其表面特征与内含物的的数量、大小、可见度、类型、 …
VS1 vs VS2 Diamond Clarity Grade: Which Should You Get?
2023年10月18日 · In this Learning Guide, we'll compare the two VS clarity grades and answer questions YOU need to know like: Is a VS1 diamond eye-clean? Are VS2 diamonds good for a …
Should I Buy a VS2 Clarity Diamond? - International Gem Society
2024年3月5日 · How will a VS2 clarity diamond look in an engagement ring? Learn if it’s the right stone for you and how to pick the best one within your budget.
What's Better: VS1 vs. VS2 Diamond Clarity? - Rare Carat
Both VS1 and VS2 diamonds are wonderful if you’re looking for a high-quality stone on a budget. Although VS2 and VS1 diamonds typically have minor flaws, they are significantly less expensive than diamonds graded higher on the clarity scale.
A Complete Guide to VS2 Clarity Diamonds | Whiteflash
Diamonds with a VS2 clarity grading are by far the most popular choice for engagement rings. Offering a wonderful balance between a sparkling eye-clean diamond and a reasonable spend, these diamonds check off a lot of boxes for diamonds buyers.
Diamond clarity comparison – VS1 , VS2 , SI1 , SI2
2018年1月4日 · Diamonds are rated on their 4 C’s – Cut, Carat, Color and of course Clarity. Clarity is a crucial factor in diamond valuation, particularly in natural/white diamonds. The GIA breaks down Clarity grading into 11 grades of variable quality. 1. FL – Flawless. 2. IF – Internally Flawless. 3. VVSI1 and VVSI2 – Very Very Slightly Included. 4.
2024年3月14日 · 其中, 淨度(Clarity) 是指鑽石內部與表面含雜質的程度,鑽石淨度等級依序為IF-VVS-VS-SI-I。 鑽石天生的雜質汙點會影響光線折射,將光線阻擋或造成偏向;鑽石表面的磨損、刻痕、缺口、粗糙切工帶來的傷害亦會影響鑽石的淨度等級,使鑽石的閃耀度略顯失色。 雖然說鑽石淨度等級越高,越接近無雜質,看似是最完美無瑕的評級卻不等於是最高階鑽石,接下來我們將一一為您來剖析。 (延伸閱讀: 鑽石4C是什麼? 你不能不懂的鑽石知識) 根據以上 鑽石 …
鑽石要買什麼等級?首選VS2淨度,閃耀不打折! | 水晶研究所
2024年8月12日 · 微瑕(VS1/VS2):在10倍放大鏡下,鑽石內部和表面存在肉眼不易察覺的小瑕疵。 小瑕(SI1/SI2):在10倍放大鏡下,鑽石內部和表面存在肉眼可見的小瑕疵。 明顯瑕疵(I1/I2/I3):在10倍放大鏡下,鑽石內部和表面存在明顯的肉眼可見瑕疵。 一般而言,淨度等級越高,鑽石的內部和表面瑕疵越少,其璀璨度和價值也就越高。 對於一般消費者而言,推薦購買淨度等級為VS2及以上的鑽石,因為此類鑽石的瑕疵肉眼不可見,不會影響其閃耀度和價值,且價 …