Wave Velocities | MTEX
As output we obtain three spherical functions vp, vs1 and vs2 representing the velocities of P, and fast and slow S-waves respectively in dependency of the propagation direction.
GIA Diamond Grading Reports: Understanding Diamond Clarity …
2015年5月7日 · Today, we’ll look at the plotting diagram that appears on GIA Diamond Grading reports and GIA Colored Diamond Grading reports to better understand how these reports deliver important clarity information that was captured during the grading process. What is a Plotting Diagram? A plotting diagram is a map of a diamond’s clarity characteristics.
Diamonds Report with Data Visualization - Amazon Web Services
2023年3月3日 · Chart 04 - Distribution of Price by Color As diamond prices depend on various variables. I want to explore the correlation between carat and price in colorless diamonds (D, E, and F), focusing solely on clean & unnoticeable flaw clarity grades (IF to VS2). Scatter plots with trendlines are used to illustrate these correlations.
Seismic velocities and anisotropy | MTEX
Compute seismic velocities as functions on the sphere. Here we set preference for a nice plot. % plotting convention - plot a-axis to east plota2east; % set colour map to seismic color map : blue2redColorMap setMTEXpref('defaultColorMap',blue2redColorMap) % some options blackMarker = {'Marker','s','MarkerSize',10,'antipodal',...
Plotting large distributions — seaborn 0.13.2 documentation
import seaborn as sns sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid") diamonds = sns.load_dataset("diamonds") clarity_ranking = ["I1", "SI2", "SI1", "VS2", "VS1", "VVS2", "VVS1", "IF"] sns.boxenplot( diamonds, x="clarity", y="carat", color="b", order=clarity_ranking, width_method="linear", )
A Complete Guide to VS2 Clarity Diamonds | Whiteflash
What is a VS2 Clarity Diamond? VS is taken from the clarity scale created by the GIA and stands for ‘Very Slightly Included’; it is split into two grades, VS1 and VS2. Below you can see how the GIA and AGS grading systems correlate. In each case, these are leading gem laboratories with exemplary reputations for reliable and consistent grading.
[提问] 2023 年第八届数维杯大学生数学建模挑战赛题目B 题怎么做
2023年7月3日 · 无论你利用动能定理 F\Delta s=\Delta\left (\frac {1} {2}mv^2\right)=mv\Delta v ,或者冲量定理 F\Delta t=m\Delta v ,都能得到. 这极容易得到: 考虑到初始时刻 s (0)=0 , 第三阶段的话,应该差不多吧,只不过 s (0)=55144.7 m。 是不能用的,它只适合初速度为0的匀加速。 你还是回到牛二定律,仿照我上面用微元法解试试吧? 核心就是得到微元关系。 比如我上面得到纯粹的 s,v,\Delta s,\Delta v 之间的微元关系那一刻,我就觉得成功了——因为你不会求解还可以 …
What are VS2 (Very Slightly Included 2) clarity diamonds? - Rare Carat
VS2 is often seen as the holy grail of diamond clarity. Not so included as to be noticeable to the naked eye, while just included enough to cost far less that its fancy counterparts up the scale.
SI2 vs VS2 Diamond Clarity (4 Differences) - TeachJewelry.com
2022年3月25日 · SI (slightly included) and VS (very slightly included) are two categories on the GIA diamond clarity scale. Each is broken down into two grades: SI1, SI2, VS1, and VS2. The …
Diamond Clarity Chart Comparison with Real Life Diamond …
For example, a SI2 diamond may show only a few clarity marks, but the severity can only be seen in its photograph. Also, a diamond plot can possess a lot of markings, but it could only be white feather inclusions that aren’t visible to the naked eye.