VT120 Fast Timing Preamplifier | Electronics | AMETEK ORTEC
The Model VT120 Fast-Timing Preamplifier is a high-performance, wide-bandwidth preamplifier designed for boosting very fast linear signals from microchannel plates, photomultipliers, electron multipliers, silicon detectors, and other detectors used in fast timing applications.
VT120快速定时前置放大器 | Electronics | AMETEK ORTEC
VT120型快速定时前置放大器是一款高性能、宽带宽前置放大器,设计用于增强微通道板、光电倍增管、电子倍增器、硅探测器和快速定时应用中所使用的其他探测器的快速线性信号。所有版本的上升时间均<1 ns,输出为5V,可实现出色的定时分辨率。
VT120+ - Vox Amps
The VOX Valvetronix + Series VT120+ A guitar modeling amplifier featuring 99 ready-to-play presets, a massive infusion of effects, plus an all-new Power Level control
VT120 Fast-Timing Preamplifier The Model VT120 Fast-Timing Preamplifier is a high-performance, wide-bandwidth preamplifier designed for boosting very fast linear signals from microchannel plates, photomultipliers, electron multipliers, silicon detectors, and other detectors used in fast timing applications. The rise time on
VT120-P Fast-Timing Preamplifier | Signal Recovery - AMETEK SI
The Model VT120-P Fast-Timing Preamplifier is a high-performance, widebandwidth preamplifier designed for boosting very fast linear signals from microchannel plates, photomultipliers, electron multipliers, silicon detectors, and other detectors used in fast timing applications.
ORTEC MODEL VT120 FAST TIMING PREAMPLIFIER 1. DESCRIPTION The VT120 preamplifier is a high-performance, wide-bandwidth preamplifier designed for boosting very fast linear signals from photomultipliers, electron multipliers, silicon surface-barrier detectors, and other detectors used in fast timing applications. The rise time on all versions is ...
以下列出完整的型号,其中黑体部分为近年来改进或新推出的型号。 北京泰坤工业设备有限公司所提供的VT120A/B/C信号放大器质量可靠、规格齐全,北京泰坤工业设备有限公司不仅具有专业的技术水平,更有良好的售后服务和优质的解决方案,欢迎您来电咨询此产品具体参数及价格等详细信息!
VOX VT+系列中文说明书(不完全,缺少功放类型和效果器详细说明)_ …
•vt20+/vt40+/vt80+/vt120+使用了阀门反应堆技术,并拥有一套设有一根前级12ax7(ecc83)双三极管阀(“真空管”)的功率放大器电路设计。 这使得功放产生的声音听起来感觉像真正的全真空管功放。
The Model VT120 Fast-Timing Preamplifier is a high-performance, wide-bandwidth preamplifier designed for boosting very fast linear signals from microchannel plates, photomultipliers, electron multipliers, silicon detectors, and other detectors used in fast timing applications.The rise time on all versions is <1 ns with a 5-V output, enabling exc...