研究人员针对两处经典语言区功能提出新假设 - 生物谷
2023年9月27日 · 该研究聚焦的脑区为左半球的颞顶联合区腹侧(ventral temporoparietal junction,vTPJ)和颞叶前部外侧(lateral anterior temporal lobe,lATL)。 近二十年来,在 …
Verbal test of practical judgment (VPJ): a new test of ... - PubMed
We developed the Verbal Test of Practical Judgment (VPJ) as a new test of judgment for older adults intended to identify difficulty performing instrumental activities of daily living (IADL).
A social-semantic working-memory account for two canonical
2023年9月21日 · Language and social cognition are traditionally studied as separate cognitive domains, yet accumulative studies reveal overlapping neural correlates at the left ventral …
7. Suppose you haven’t bathed or showered in two weeks. Tell me what possible problems might be the result. 2 1 0 2 = At least two concrete examples or a stated association between …
A Predominantly Visual Subdivision of The Right Temporo-Parietal ...
Using functional MRI, we report that a small region lateralized within the right TPJ responds robustly to certain simple visual stimuli ("vTPJ"). The vTPJ was found in all right hemispheres …
Using functional MRI, we report that a small region lateralized within the right TPJ responds robustly to certain simple visual stimuli (“vTPJ ”). The vTPJ was found in all right hemispheres. …
2 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 Verbal Test of Practical Judgment (VPJ®) Name: _____ DOB: _____ __ Gender: Female / Male
We developed the Verbal Test of Practical Judgment (VPJ) as a new test of judgment for older adults intended to identify difficulty performing instrumental activities of daily...
A Predominantly Visual Subdivision of The Right Temporo …
2014年9月29日 · Using functional MRI, we report that a small region lateralized within the right TPJ responds robustly to certain simple visual stimuli (“vTPJ”). The vTPJ was found in all right …
Specific Visual Subregions of TPJ Mediate Reorienting of Spatial ...
2017年6月13日 · Here, we investigated whether attention orienting or reorienting modulate activity in visually driven TPJ subregions. For each observer we identified 3 visually responsive …