Box2D | vvvv beta contributions
GetBodyDetails, GetCircles and GetPolygons are now faster, and have less GC pressure. Please note this is now installed as a standard pack. Works with either beta 33.7, or beta 35+ (does not work with beta 34 series). Please report issues here: https://github.com/mrvux/vvvv-Box2D/issues. Source code here : https://github.com/mrvux/vvvv-Box2D.
mrvux/vvvv-Box2D: Box2D nodes for vvvv - GitHub
Box2D nodes for vvvv. Contribute to mrvux/vvvv-Box2D development by creating an account on GitHub.
box2d playground | vvvv beta contributions
I would like to share with you my ongoing v4 learning project. It turned out to grow into something like a little box2d sandbox. It is not that sophisticated and many box2d features are still missing, so I prefere to call it playground. Features:-Drawing basic shapes in three flavours (Box, Circle, Triangle). -Dynamic/static shapes.
Box2d | vvvv beta documentation
Box2D. Use the nodes in the Box2d category for animating 2d geometry. Those nodes are contributed by vux and are coming with the addonpack. See also:
关于国外的一个媒体交互装置求解是怎么实现的? - 知乎
他使用了reacTIVision 确认书籍页面的页码以及位置,图像软件部分通过VVVV和box2d物理库实现。 reacTIVision的Github页面. VVVV的官网: reacTIVision 总体上来说是TUIO 框架的一个实现。 VVVV是互动编程的一种工具。 如果不熟悉 VVVV,通过reacTIVision获得页码和坐标以后,也可以通过 Processing (java) ,openframeworks (c++)实现。 (我的电脑就用不了! VVVV! 没有Mac版! 总的来说难度不大,我也是学设计出身的,但毕竟了解这一块,有过一些基础的实践 …
Box2d – 2D physics based interaction « NODE13 Forum for Digital …
In this workshop the participants will learn the basics of using the box2d physics engine which has been implemented as a set of plugins for vvvv by mr. vux. During the first part we will give an overview about the basic logic behind box2d and its terminology (shape, shape id, body, body id, custom, world, controller, static vs. dynamic, etc.).
Physics (Box2d) Node10 workshop slides | vvvv beta contributions
All the slides the box2d workshop which was held during node10. Converted as pdf.
A 2D Physics Engine for Games. Box2D. A 2D Physics Engine for Games © 2025 Erin Catto
Box2d question - question - Forum - discourse.vvvv.org
2011年1月19日 · i have a very simple question: i m using the great box2d plugin : ground, top, left and right walls in wich are created on the fly falling objects. once all objects are created , i want to move one of …
Box2d to vvvv? - general - Forum
2008年12月3日 · this box 2d library http://www.box2d.org/ looks powerful, and on the website there is a link to a c# port Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. maybe it’s possible to make a plugin out of it? i have no idea of how it would work, but maybe someone around here knows how to do that, or at least if it’s ...