JBL Professional VX8 (Available in China and APAC Only)
VX8 provides 16 tuning presets dedicated for JBL Professional KTV speakers and JBL Professional microphones, 15-band parametric EQ for music input and 20-band parametric EQ for each of the four individual microphone inputs. Echo engine and reverberation effect are processed separately by independent DSP.
JBL VX8 数字处理器-JBL专业音响
vx8是一款专为ktv市场设计的、功能强大的语音处理器。 VX8不仅提供多种音频连接方式,而且还融合了JBL扬声器和话筒出厂预设。 JBL拥有多年的专业经验,VX8处理器为用户提供良好的KTV体验。
Yaesu VX-8R, Yaesu VX-8DR Amateur HT VX8R - Universal Radio
The Yaesu VX-8R HT provides a full 5 watts FM on 50/144/430 MHz plus 1.5 watts on 222 MHz. It will also transmit about 1 watt AM on 6 meters. It supports Bluetooth® hands-free operation with the optional BU-1 and BH-1 or BH-2 accessories. There is also an optional GPS unit and antenna with loads of features.
VX8 (Available in China and APAC Only) (discontinued) - JBL …
VX8 is a powerful voice processor designed for the KTV market. VX8 not only provides multiple audio connection options, but also integrates JBL speaker and microphone factory presets. The processing power of VX8 provides the best KTV experience with years of …
Tannoy | Product | VX 8
VX 8 provides a compact, yet punchy and sonically articulate solution for small-scale performance sound reinforcement, as well as more demanding background music and high-intelligibility speech applications where clarity and natural vocal reproduction are paramount.
VX8 Digital Signal Processor v2.1.2 - JBL Professional
Dec 13, 2024 · JBL VX8 processor Improvement for your available: 3 options of feedback value increase to 4. Sync control of left right output improved. Improved audio input select response.
JBL VX8 Professional Karaoke Digital Processor - Reverb
VX8 is a powerful voice processor designed for the KTV market. VX8 not only provides multiple audio connection options, but also integrates JBL speaker and microphone factory presets. The processing power of VX8 provides the best KTV experience with years of experience from JBL Professional. ...
JBL VX8 数字处理器 - hdaudiosystem.com
VX8是专为KTV市场设计的强大语音处理器。 VX8 不仅提供多种音频连接选项,还集成了 JBL 扬声器和麦克风出厂预设。 VX8 的处理能力,结合 JBL Professional 多年的经验,提供最佳的 KTV体验。 高度集成的、冗余的语音处理资源,来自 JBL 声学技术,水晶般的声音,坚实的低音呈现,最超值的性能。 遵循严格控制的制造标准,确保高质量生产。 经验丰富的 KTV 工程师和操作员的学习曲线短,因为操作和用户界面设计与 KTV 行业相似。 通过提供各种输入和输出格 …
JBL VX8 KX180,家庭K歌新宠? 深度测评与使用指南-效果器-淘宝 …
6 days ago · jbl的产品线覆盖了从专业音响到家用音响的各个领域,每一次新品发布都备受关注。jbl vx8 kx180正是jbl在家庭娱乐领域的又一力作,旨在为家庭用户提供专业级的k歌体验🌟. 产品参数:全面解析. 型号: jbl vx8 kx180 颜色: 黑色 材质: 高品质金属外壳,耐用且美观
JBL RMP1600K VX8数字前级效果器卡拉OK混响防啸叫 ... - Taobao
JBL RMP1600K VX8数字前级效果器卡拉OK混响防啸叫均衡专业处理器,好评率100%,29用户购后写下真实评论。 品牌:JBL,产地:中国大陆,颜色分类:JBL KX180效果器【原装正品】,JBL RMP1600K效果器【原装正品】,JBL VX8效果器【原装正品】,JBL VM200话筒【原装正品】,JBL VM300话筒【原装正品】,JBL KX180【基础新手入门】,JBL RMP1600K效果器【官网验货 假一赔十】,JBL VX8效果器【官网验货 假一赔十】,JBL VM200话筒【官网验货 假一赔十】,JBL …
- Reviews: 27