Pistole vz. 22 - Wikipedia
The pistole vz. 22 was the first Czech Army pistol of the inter-war period. The vz. 22 was based upon the work of Mauser designer Josef Nickl's Model 1915 handgun. Slovakia seized over …
The Zbrojovka Brno vz. 22 Pistol - Unblinking Eye
“Vzor” is the Czech word for “model”. The gun is more properly called the Zbrojovka Brno Model 1922. Josef Nickl was born on 16 March 1872 in Haslmuhl, Germany, only about 35 miles …
民国步枪史之捷克Vz-98/22式步枪与Vz-24式步枪 - 百家号
2023年3月21日 · 捷克的Vz-24式是当时中国质量最好的七九步枪,在抗日战争期间VZ24步枪在抗日军民手中打击日寇,其出色的性能深受抗日军民的喜爱。
vz. 98/22 - Wikipedia
The Vz. 98/22 is a Czechoslovak -designed, full-sized, bolt-action rifle, designed and produced in Czechoslovakia. It replaced the Gewehr 98 rifles purchased from Germany after the Treaty of …
Rare CZ Vz.22 Pistol | Legacy Collectibles
1/28/19 - The Czech vz.22 pistol was manufactured by Zbrojovka Brno (the Brno Weapons Factory) between 1920 and 1923. Though it was initially intended to be a production military …
Czechoslovakian vz 22 - Jan C. Still Lugerforums
2006年1月22日 · Presented here is one of the rarest Czecholovakian Army pistols, the vz 22 ( model 1922 ). It’s the only pistol ever produced in cal. 9mm Nickel. In 1921 some hundrets of …
Czech vz 22, 9mm short, Scarce Advanced Collector’s Pistol
2017年1月4日 · The vz 22 is the first Czeck made semi-auto military pistol. The rotating-barrel, locked-action design evolved from the Mauser Nickl prototype pistol designed by Josef Nickl. …
Brno VZ-98, VZ-22, Gew 98???? - Gunboards Forums
2013年3月23日 · I’m not sure what to call it, and have seen it called VZ-98, VZ-22, and a Czech Gew-98. The rifle appears to be all there. All numbers match except the bolt. The bore …
vz-22, CZ-22, recent acquisition | Jan C. Still Lugerforums
2016年1月25日 · A vz. 22, father of the CZ-24 & grandfather of CZ-27. Best information I have found is they made 19,000 in 1922-1923. CZ found it hard to make and rather finicky, so …
Very unusual Colombian Vz22 [edit: Vz.12/33] bayonet
2023年8月3日 · Colombia, to any knowledge or account never had purchased the Vz98/22 but obviously they did get some of the bayonets with either Vz24 or Vz12/33 shipments. Brno was …