Psychometric aspects of the W-DEQ; a new questionnaire for the ...
Up to now it has been difficult to study fear of childbirth because of a shortage of adequate psychological measurements. Therefore the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/ Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) was developed. This paper presents the theoretical background of the W-DEQ together with a documentation …
The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire: a …
The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) is currently the most frequently used instrument to measure FOC. The scale is designed to measure different aspects of FOC but is conceptualized as a uni-dimensional instrument. Our aim was to investigate the underlying factor structure of the W-DEQ version A.
Version of the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire ...
2021年4月25日 · Background: Prenatal fear of childbirth is a common health concern that negatively affects the emotional wellbeing of women during pregnancy. Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire...
通过评估 Wijma 分娩预期/体验问卷 A 版 (W-DEQ-A) 的可读性, …
通过评估 Wijma 分娩预期/经验问卷 A 版 (W-DEQ-A) 的可读性,探索育龄妇女样本中对分娩的恐惧。 Flesch 阅读容易度公式、Flesch-Kincaid 年级水平、FOG 量表、SMOG 指数、Coleman-Liau 指数、自动可读性指数和 Linsear Write 公式用于评估 W-DEQ-A 的可读性. 此外,还举行了焦点小组讨论以验证上述可读性量表的结果。 SMOG 指数(得分 = 7.6)、Coleman-Liau 指数(得分 = 7.6)和 Linsear Write 公式(得分 = 9.4)对于至少受过中学教育(12 年级)的育龄女性来说 …
Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire - APA PsycNet
The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ; Wjma, Wjma, & Zar, 1998) is used to measure fear of childbirth during pregnancy and after delivery by asking the woman about her expectancies before (version A) and experiences after (version B) childbirth, respectively.
Validating the use of the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience ...
2022年12月12日 · W-DEQ is commonly used to more accurately and effectively measure FOC [18]. This scale is a standardized screening method for FOC and includes two versions, version A and version B, to assess fear about childbirth during pregnancy and after childbirth separately.
Wijma分娩预期量表(W-DEQ-A) - 问卷星
每个问题的答案分从0到5六个等级,0为“非常……”,5为“一点也不……”,从0到5程度逐渐降低。 请点击描述程度最接近的数字。 1. 您如何看待生孩子的整个过程. 2. 你如何看待分娩的整个过 …
WDEQ-A and WDEQ-B: Indices of fit | Download Table
The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) is a 33-item self-administered questionnaire for assessing FOB, adapted and psychometrically tested...
中文版 Wijma 分娩经历量表(W-DEQ-B) - 问卷星
这是一份关于生孩子过程中内心感受的问卷。 请回忆您生孩子时真实感想如何,不是您希望它该怎样。 每个问题的答案分从 0 到 5 六个等级。 最外侧的数值(0 或 5)为极值, 本问卷共33个 …
The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire(W-DEQ…
The propose of this study is to investigate the factor structures of the W-DEQ, originally developed on UK and Swedish women, were confirmed in Turkish samples, and to obtain a new modified factor structure appropriate to Turkish culture.