Expert Answers on W16x40 Beam Dimensions and Weight Support
It is run through a design program called BeamChek. STEEL BEAMS ARE DESIGNED FOR: Bending strength, shear resistance, deflection, lateral support, web crippling and web yielding …
I have a steel beam that reads W12X40 (16) what does each
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Expert Answers on W16x40 Beam Dimensions and Support
Customer: I have a w16x40 Beam that is 27ft long. I need to know if a steel pole 6"x6"x.25" thick and 7ft tall will support this beam. I need to know if a steel pole 6"x6"x.25" thick and 7ft tall will …
I have each I-beams at W16X40# X 25 feet. I plan on ... - JustAnswer
Customer: I have each I-beams at W16X40# ***** 25 feet. I plan on building a bridge across a creek. I will weld 25 cross members for additional support. How much weight will the bridge …
I have a 27 ft long W16x40 beam I need to be supported by two…
I have a 27 ft W16x40 beam I need to be supported by two 7ft tall steel poles. Will a 6"x6" square .25" thick pole - Answered by a verified Expert We use cookies …
I would like to use a steel I Beam to carry a second floor
2013年4月30日 · You can use a W16x40 (50 ksi) steel beam. This beam is 7" wide, 16" deep and weighs 40 pounds per foot of beam. You will need to provide solid mechanical connections …
I have to take out part of an existing wall consisting of steel …
The bottom cord will be right under the C6x8.2. This means that the neutral axis will be 7'-4" + 1/2 of the "d" (e.g. 8" for the W16x40) from the neutral axis of the W8x17 (the top cord). I was not …
Expert Answers on Steel Beam Sizing for Load Bearing Walls
A W16x40 is overstressed in strength by 50% and will deflect over 3” when fully loaded. The beam is not even close to working for what you want. I don’t know if he considered the second …
I have a 40' x 26' subfloor going over my garage. Joists are running ...
Customer: I have a 40' x 26' subfloor going over my garage. Joists are running the 26' span and I want to run a steel i-beam down the 40' length to give midspan support to the joists.
Expert Answers on W14 Steel Beam Sizes and Specifications
Customer: I need to size a steel I beam (?? w14-34 ??) Clear span from support to support is 22'-6 1/2" Uniform TOTAL load on beam is 18,604.20 lbs, OR 825.02 lbs per lineal ft. Deflection …