5180-00-754-0661 - WELDER'S TOOL KIT - WBParts
Distinctions between local or centralized fabricate/assemble capability are identified by the Source of Supply Modifier in the Source of Supply Column of the Service Management Data Lists.
Weiler 58075 - AA Abrasives, Inc.
W58075. Weiler Brush Part# 58075. Manufacturer. Weiler Brush. Weiler 58075 7" x 1/4" TIGER ZIRC Type 27 Grinding Wheel Z24T 7/8" AH. Tiger Zirc 7 inch type 27 grinding wheels cut …
w58075. special tools: 6. c. wrench, socket. 5 20-00-316-9217. 7. o. socket, socket wrench. 5 20-00-261-2821. section iv. remarks (1) (2) reference code. remarks. a. direct support (f) …
Holdings: Sets, kits and outfits - Texas A&M University
Sets, kits and outfits : tool kit, welder's, (NSN 5180-00-754-0661) (LIN W58075). United States. Department of the Army. [Washington, D.C.?] : Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, [1989] …
Sets, kits and outfits [microform] : tool kit, welder's, (NSN 5180-00 ...
Tool kit, welder's, (NSN 5180-00-754-0661) (LIN W58075). Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
5180-00-754-0661 - TOOL KIT,WELDER'S 007540661 …
5 Reference Number Category Code (RNCC_2910) Secondary Reference. Any additional number, other than a primary number (codes 1,2,3,4) informative reference (code 6) or vendor …
Sets, kits and outfits : tool kit, welder's, (NSN 5180-00-754-0661 ...
Summary not available for this title. Record Details Catalog Search
5180-00-754-0661 Welder's Tool Kit | DOD Parts
DODParts.com distributes outfits of hand tools kits sets, aircraft parts and consumables, electrical parts, fittings and other components for the aerospace and defense industries. Submit the …
Sets, kits and outfits tool kit, welder's, (NSN 5180-00-754-0661) …
Buy Sets, kits and outfits tool kit, welder's, (NSN 5180-00-754-0661) (LIN W58075) (SuDoc D 101.16:5180-90-N 39) by U.S. Dept of Defense (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday …
- 作者: U.S. Dept of Defense
NSN: 5180-00-754-0661 (TOOL KIT, WELDER'S) - ArmyProperty.com
nsn 5180-00-754-0661: tool kit, welder's (nsn 5180007540661 / niin 007540661)