Review of Truck Characteristics as Factors in Roadway Design
38 â ¢ The WB-19 [WB-62] design vehicle represents a truck configuration specified in Federal law and should be retained. The KCRT distance for this design vehicle should be increased from 12.3 to 12.5 m [40.5 to 41 ft] to correspond to the maximum limits applicable in 19 states.
Review of Truck Characteristics as Factors in Roadway Design
Figure C-23 illustrates measurement of the rear swingout for the WB-19 [WB-62] design vehicle while negotiating a 90-degree turn with a 15.2-m [50-ft] radius. The upper left portion of the figure shows vehicles drawn at various intervals along the same curve.
Vehiculo WB 19 | PDF | Motor Vehicle | Transportation …
This document provides specifications for a semi-trailer truck model called the WB-19. It lists key dimensions and performance characteristics including an overall length of 21.04 meters, maximum steering angle of 28.4 degrees, and a lock-to-lock steering time of 6 seconds.
* The Indiana Design Vehicle (IDV) is equivalent to the WB-20. WB1, WB2, WB3, and WB4 are effective vehicle wheelbases. S = Distance from the rear effective axle to the hitch point.
Where the practice is prevalent, the WB 62 [WB 19] may be used in design for turning maneuvers, but the WB -67 [WB-20] should be used in design situations where the overall length of the vehicle is considered, such as for
Recommended revisions to WB-19 [WB-62] design vehicle. The WB-20 [WB-65] design vehicle can operate in most states on the NN and state routes. VIUS data indicate 22.4 percent of veh-mi by trucks are single semitrailers with lengths of 16.2 m
JISA6517:2010 建築用鋼製下地材(壁・天井)
センター(JTCCM)及び財団法人日本規格協会(JSA)から,工業標準原案を具して日本工業規格を改正. すべきとの申出があり,日本工業標準調査会の審議を経て,経済産業大臣が改正した日本工業規格である。 これによって,JIS A 6517 :2002は改正され,この規格に置き換えられた。 なお,平成22年11月19日までの間は,工業標準化法第19条第1項等の関係条項の規定に基づくJIS. マーク表示認証において,JIS A 6517:2002によることができる。 また,令和2年10月20 …
ANSYS Workbench 19.0基础入门与工程实践 第1章 初识ANSYS Workbench 19…
• 在通用模块部分,wb 19.0提供了各种新的功能操作,主要包括以下部分内容。 • 1.单元力耦合 • 新增功能可将电磁力Maxwell 3D与Harmonic Response进行连接,如图所示。
WB-19型腕表式个人剂量仪 - 百家号
2022年9月19日 · 本剂量仪可应用于放射性医疗、工业无损探伤、放射性同位素应用、职业病预防、部队、核电站以及放射性工作场所周边等场合的辐射剂量当量测量。 技术参数. 探测器:带能量补偿的GM管探测器. 累积剂量当量:Hp (0.07) 0.0 μSv-9999 mSv. 累积剂量当量响应误差:量程范围内<±15% (Cs-137) 60 keV-1.3MeV范围内满足国标误差要求. 报警功能 有剂量率、累计剂量、工作时间等报警功能,报警阈值连续可调. 数据传输 磁吸式充电头,可通过数据线将测量数据 …
WB-19型腕表式个人剂量仪_报警_当量_放射性 - 搜狐
2023年4月13日 · wb-19腕表式个人剂量仪为x和γ射线报警仪器,主要用来监测工作人员在放射性场所受到的x射线和γ射线照射剂量。 剂量仪体积小巧,可同手表一样佩戴。