Waffenbehälter 81 “Gießkanne” - Emmas Planes
The Waffenbehälter 81, lit. weapon container 81, was a German suspended gun pod. It was developed in 1942 to further increase the effectiveness of attackers in low level flights. Each pod contained three double-barrelled 9.72 mm MG 81 Z machine guns, giving the pod a theoretical fire rate of 10.000 r.p.m.
Ju 87 D-5 | War Thunder Wiki
WB 81B: New 20 mm cannons: New 7.92 mm MGs: WB 151: Rating by players. You must play more than 3 battles for the last week and more than 10 battles in a vehicle to rate it. Like: 16. Flight performance: Not enough ratings . Survivability: Not enough ratings ...
Waffenbehälter WB 81 (ドイツ製ガンポッド) - TeamBtrb
2019年12月29日 · Waffenbehälter WB 81 A またはWB 81 B 通称ギースカンネ”Gießkanne”(日:如雨露、英:watering can) WarthunderのJu87Dとかが積んでる対地掃射用7.92mmガンポッド。 Fw190の攻撃機型やJu88も積めたらしい。 http://www.airwar.ru/weapon/guns/mg-81.html より引用
Ju 87 D-5 - War Thunder Wiki
In addition in the research tree, you can get additional WB 151 (4 x MG 151 cannons) or the WB 81B (12 x MG 81 machine guns) gun pods. The Ju 87 D-5 is excellent for ground strikes. It can be equipped with bombs, incendiary bombs (although these are only useful against targets with exposed crews like certain SPAAs or vehicles like the YaG-10 ...
【图片】【兵•工•厂】二战德军容克JU-87 D-5/G-1全挂载冬季迷彩 …
本作外形主体为bm自破解+改良 挂舱、炸弹的外形、挂载位置参考安东飞行模拟器。 涂装参考为Steel Division 2中容克JU-87 G的冬季双色迷彩。 (虽然游戏讲的是巴格拉季昂行动但是有证据显示当时德军仍然采用深灰+浅灰的大块迷彩,不知道是来不及换还是在空中方便隐蔽) 附:在炸弹一系中,并未查找到资料证实JU-87 D/F/G型号挂载过1000千克炸弹,仅知其在R-2型号(豹纹斯图卡)上存在,并且其投射方式也与500千克及以下炸弹不同。 1.驾驶舱虽然仿真凹凸不平,但 …
Ju 88 A-13 | Aircraft of World War II - WW2Aircraft.net Forums
2015年4月20日 · Used two types of trays: WB-81A -with three machine guns zdwojonymi MG81Z, or WB 81B with the same weapons, but the weapon barrel inclined at an angle of 15 ° .Ju-88A-13 were used in small quantities on the Eastern Front in the years 1942-1944 ." 更新 - 战争雷霆中文Wiki
Ju 87 D-5 — 修复了 WB 81B 机枪吊舱的重量(现在不包含弹药的吊舱重量为 140kg)。 AH-1F — 修复了电视系统的一部分会出现在瞄准视角中的问题。 白骨顶 — 修复了 37 毫米机炮所属的武器组,20 毫米机炮已移至防空武器组。 扶桑 — 移除了烟幕改装件。 解锁本改装件所花费的研发点及游戏货币已退还。 当前提供的更改日志反映此更新中游戏中的主要改动。 提供的更新日志中可能未列出所有已经实装的改动。 War Thunder 处于不断改进之中,并可在不更新客户端的 …
Stuka With Retractable Landing Gear: What If? - WW2Aircraft.net
2013年6月12日 · There were several WWII era dive bombers with retractable landing gear. None could match Ju-87D overall performance for payload and weapons accuracy. I cannot help but wonder if fixed landing gear contributed to Ju-87Ds outstanding accuracy. Not even the reliably accurate Val? It was easily the most accurate Naval dive bomber of the war.
Luftwaffe Resource Center - Warbirds Resource Group
A modification of the A-4, the Ju 88 A-13s could carry the Waffenbehälter WB 81A or WB 81B (firing with 15° downwards deflection) gun pods on external bomb racks for ground attack duties, each "watering can" containing three 7.92 mm MG 81Z twin machine guns, for …
Asisbiz IL2 skins downloads Junkers Ju 87B Stuka for combat flight ...
In 1940, Junkers started considering a new version of the Ju 87 which was better adapted to attacking heavily defended or fortified targets: the 'Dora' or Ju 870. This new model benefited from the more powerful Jumo 211F, a more streamlined airframe, better armour, better armament, and a heavier offensive load including armour-piercing bombs.
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